Knowledge Worker agents can share files with other agents (digital and voice agents). The maximum file size that can be shared is 2 megabytes (MB). The files must be in JPEG, PNG, or PDF formats.

To share files with another agent from your agent desktop:

  1. Log in to your agent desktop as a Knowledge Worker.
  2. From the left pane, select the agent with whom you want to share files.
  3. In the chat window, click the attachment icon, select the file, and then send it to the agent.

    You can preview the file at the bottom-left corner of the chat window. You can delete the file by clicking the close icon  at the top-right corner of the preview.  The preview feature is also available for agent-to-customer chats.

  4. Optional: After sending the image, you can view the image in full-screen by clicking on the image from the chat panel.