Agent Desktop Sign Out

To sign out of your agent desktop:

  1.  Click on the Avatar and select the Sign Out option.

    Do not close the browser by using the close button in the upper right of the browser window until you have signed out.
  2. Once, you have clicked the Sign Out option, the Confirmation pop-up appears as below. 
  3. Click Ok to confirm the sign out.

Agent Sign Out by Supervisor

Your supervisor can sign you out from the agent desktop. 

You can see a message from your supervisor indicating you are being signed out or you will only see the name of the person who signed you out.

Your Supervisor cannot sign you out while you are in the In Call or Hold status.

Once you are signed out, you are returned to the Sign In screen.

Agent Sign Out due to Inactivity

If you are logged in to the agent desktop through a persistent, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)-based audio path, and if you are inactive in the Not Ready status, you are logged off after a pre-defined period of time. 

Depending on the pre-defined inactivity time, you receive a warning message (if configured). If you continue to remain inactive, you are logged off.

This feature does not apply to agents who have logged in using a computer option. 

The following message appears indicating that you need to click Yes to avoid being logged off: