To use a web widget on your website, you must copy the code associated with the widget to the website.

  1. On the Configure tab, click Web Widget > Widget.
    The Web Widget window appears.
  2. Hover over the widget whose code you want to copy to your website.
    The Snippet Code option appears on the widget.  

  3. Click the Snippet Code option.
    The Code Script window appears. This window displays the code associated with the widget.

  4. Click Copy.
    The code is copied. You can now paste the code into the HTML source code of your website.

    Any further changes to the widget (in the Web Widget window) are automatically applied to your website.

Your customers do not need to reopen the web widget to continue chatting with the agent as they navigate to other pages on your website where the widget is deployed. If the web widget snippet is on every page of your website, the widget is transitioned from one page to another.