Source columns are database locations where columns from an input file are stored. 

Certain predefined source column values can be used on the Agent Desktop, messaging, and reports.

The following table contains source columns and their description.

Source ColumnDescription
ACCOUNTAccount number for transaction
ACCOUNT_TO_SPEAKAmount to be TTS (text to speak)'d in the IVR/message play an alternate account number
AMOUNT_TO_SPEAKAmount to be TTS'd in the IVR/messaging
AREA_CODE_1...AREA_CODE_10Used if the phone information is in the split format (Area code and phone number)
CLIENT_PRACTICE_IDUsed for storing information about sub-clients belonging to a client
CUSTOMCOL1...CUSTOMCOL70Client-specific columns and these columns can be used for segmentation purpose
CUSTOM_1...CUSTOM_30Used when additional fields are required
DATE_CREATED, DATE_DELINQUENT, and DATE_PLACEDDate fields from the input file
DATE_OF_BIRTHDate of birth of the account holder

Date of service, which is stored in the EXTRA_12 column

DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_TO_SPEAKAmount and playback, used by legacy clients (obsolete). This could be used to store additional information.
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAG_TO_SPEAKPlayback audio followed by "percent" verbiage, used by legacy clients (obsolete now). This could be used to store additional information.
EMAILEmail address of the account holder
EXTRA_1All EXTRA_ fields can be displayed in ACD and reports. They are used to store the login IDs of agents.
EXTRA_6Stores the extension of agents
EXTRA_7Defines the Extraction Template ID. Extraction templates are templates without parts and with an extraction filter rule that is used to extract from Account Inventory.
EXTRA_9Stores additional account information
EXTRA_11Stores the zip code for the transaction. The value is used for ZIP code-area code mismatch.
EXTRA_13Used to store values. If the value originates from an input filter, it can be used to generate address-type TTS read back (for example, format for TTS 123 Main St).
EXTRA_14Used to store values. If multiple values need to be stored you can separate them with a pipe.
EXTRA_15Used to store values. If multiple values need to be stored you can separate them with a pipe.
FIRST_ID ZIP code of the account holder when used for validation by VXML template
FIRSTNAMEStores the first name of the account holder being called
FULLNAMEStores the full name of the account holder being called
LASTNAMEStores the last name of the account holder being called
GRADENot used
GUARANTOR_FULL, GUARANTOR_FIRST, and GUARANTOR_LASTNAMEUsed for storing the full name, first name, and last name of the guarantor (or alternate customer name) of the account being called
INSURANCE_COMPANYUsed to play back the insurance company name by using TTS
MINIMUM_PAYMENT_AMOUNTLegacy setting, used to store additional information
OPERATOR_PHONEOperator phone
ORIGINAL_ACCOUNT_NUMBEROriginal account number for a transaction
PHONE_1…PHONE_30Phone numbers
PHONE_1_CHOICE_A and PHONE_1_CHOICE_BTo map phone_1 number to store. If both the choices are mapped, only one is stored.
PHONE_TYPE_1...PHONE_TYPE_10Phone types (for example, home and office)
PRACTICE_CODE Sub-client information in the form of codes. This helps in playing the sub-client information in the IVR.
PRACTICE_PHONENumber from which the calls originate. This is to exclude the possibility of forwarding in place.
PRACTICE_PHONE_ALTERNATEDisplays the caller ID value
PRACTICE_POS_CODESub-client place of service (POS) information in the form of codes. This value helps in playing the sub-client information in the IVR.
SSNSocial Security number of the account holder
TOTAL_DUETotal amount due