The Arbitrator Report contains information about all the the arbitration tasks, such as the status of the task, names of the participants for that particular arbitration task (agents, assessors, and arbitrators), and timeline information for the task (assignment, due and completion dates).
Filtering the Arbitration Task List
To filter the list of arbitration tasks:
On the WFO tab, click Work Queue > Arbitrator Report. The Arbitrator Report window appears.
Click the Search () icon.
Enter theDate Filter Option. Choose betweenDue Date,Completion Date,orCreated Date.
SelectDate RangeorCustom Datesusing the radio button.
ForDate Range, choose an option using the drop-down menu.
ForCustom Dates, enter theFromandTodates.
Select the values for the following filters, as required. Select from theAvailablelist and move the selected items to the Selectedlist using the arrow keys.
Agents – Select the agents.
Arbitrator – Select the arbitrator.
Assessor – Select the assessor.
Call Centers – Select the call centers.
Priority – Select the priority.
Services – Select the services.
Status – Select the status.
ClickApply. The report displays information for the selected fields.
TheStatusof a task is color coded - red for Overdue, green for Completed, orange for In Progress and black for Assigned.
Viewing an Arbitration Task
You can select an arbitration task to view additional information about the task, such as the related call transcript.
To view information about an arbitration task:
On the Arbitrator Report screen, double-click on a task. The selected task is displayed on the Arbitration Task screen.
Click to listen to the recorded call.
Click to download the audio file.
ClickTranscript,Analysis,Information,Metadata, orInteraction Intents,as required view more details.
Use theActions Panelon the right to narrow the details of the call to a required criterion. Use theKeyword Listdrop-down orKeywordfield.
SelectCustomer,AgentorEither option using the radio button.
TheTagspanel lists all the tags associated with the arbitration task and theCommentspanel list all the comments documented for the task.