If configured, SpeechIQ automatically generates and shares the speech/text analytics data reports at a specific frequency and time. The automated reports are updated in real-time, generated, and then sent to the selected email recipients in Excel files.

Adding an Automated Report

To add a report for automated reporting:

  1. Othe WFO tab, click SpeechIQ >Reporting.
  2. Select the type of report for which you want an automated report to be generated.
    The selected report window appears.
  3. Click the Advanced Search icon ().
  4. In the Search window that appears, specify the required filters, and then click Apply
    The table displays the report for the selected filters.
  5. Click the Advanced Search icon () again.
  6. Click Add Automated Report ().
    The Add Automated Reports window appears.
  7. Specify values in the following fields as required.

    NameSpecify a name for the automated report. 
    ReportThis is a non-editable field. By default, it displays the report you have selected. 
    Report Date

    Select the time duration of the report to be generated and shared automatically. You have the following options:

    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This Week
    • Month to Date
    • Last Month

    Select the reporting frequency, in which the reports are to be generated and sent to the selected recipients. You have the following options:

    • Daily
    • Weekly

    • Biweekly
    • Monthly

    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
    Delivery TimeSelect the time that you want the report to be triggered and sent.
    EmailSelect the email IDs from the list.

  8. Click Save.

To edit and/or test the automated reports:

  • On the WFO tab, click SpeechIQ > Configuration > Automated Reports.
  • Double-click on the row that contains the automated report that you want to modify. Alternatively, you can select the row and then click Edit.
  • For instructions on how to modify automated reports, see Automated Reports.