(What is the purpose of site or location conditions?)

Add a site condition 

  1. Navigate to Phone System Site Conditions and click Add Site Condition. The Add Location Condition screen appears.
  2. Enter the required details in each field.

    Location(s) for range
  3. Click Save Location Condition to complete the process and return to the Location Conditions screen.

Edit or delete a site condition

  1. Click the required row in the table on the Site Conditions screen. The Edit Location Condition screen appears.
  2. Edit the fields if required.

  3. The next actions you may take on this page are:

    UI element



    Use the slider to set the availability of the site condition in the phone system. (Green is enabled?)

    Click to delete the time condition. In the confirmation popup window, click Yes, Delete!

    On deletion, the page redirects to the Site Conditions screen.

    Save Location ConditionClick to save your edits and return to the Site Conditions screen.