The Settings window has two tabs:
- Configuration: The Configuration tab includes general configuration settings for the LiveVox Portal (LVP), which is maintained across browser sessions.
- Internationalization: The Internationalization tab of the Settings window displays the time zone and the language that is used throughout LVP. Time zone and language are specified in the Client Editor Settings tab.
Settings - Configuration Tab
To configure the settings:
- On the LiveVox Portal, click your profile, and then click Settings.

The Settings window appears.

To configure the General settings, on the Configuration tab, select the following checkboxes if required:
- Force update when not visible: Refreshes the monitor dashboard even if you are not viewing the dashboard.
- Show Object ids with Object Names in dropdowns: Displays an ID for each option in the applicable drop-down lists of LVP, along with the name if the ID differs from the name.
- Click Save.
Settings - Internationalization Tab
The Internationalization tab reflects the time zone and language specified in the Client Editor Settings tab.