The Intents dashboard displays analytics data related to interaction intents. Interaction intents are the possible reasons that a customer initiates a call. The interaction intents primarily analyze the words used by a customer to identify the call intent. For more information about intents, see Interaction Intents.

You can filter the data about the interaction intents using the date range parameter and view trends related to interaction intents. 

Exploring Trends

The Intents dashboard displays the following trends:



Top Intent TrendsDisplays information about the interaction intent name and number of interactions by date.
Top Increases Last 30 Days

Displays information about the increase in intent in the last 30 days. The following information is displayed:

  • Interaction intent name.
  • The number of interactions in the previous period.
  • The number of interactions in the current period.
  • Change in percentage.
Lowest Scoring Intents (% Passed)

Displays information about the lowest scoring intents. The following information is displayed:

  • Interaction intent name.
  • Percentage scorecards passed for that intent.
Highest Customer Sentiment Intents

Displays information about the intents that have the highest customer sentiments. The following information is displayed:

  • Interaction intent name.
  • Customer sentiment for that intent.
Lowest Customer Sentiment Intents

Displays information about the intents that have the lowest customer sentiments. The following information is displayed:

  • Interaction intent name.
  • Customer sentiment for that intent.
Largest Customer Sentiment Declines

Displays information about the intents that have gone through the largest decline in customer sentiments. The following information is displayed:

  • Interaction intent name.
  • The number of interactions in the previous period.
  • The number of interactions in the current period.
  • Change in percentage.
Intent DetailsProvides information about intents.