This section lists the sequence of tasks required to enable LiveVox Campaign Management for campaigns and campaign monitoring reports.

SequenceLVP UI NavigationTask

1 a.

Configure > Input/Output> Input

Configure the Input Filters for transaction campaigns and contacts.

For more information, see Input Filter.

Contact your LiveVox system administrator for assistance.

1 b.

Configure >Input/Output> SFTP Browser

Ensure that the SFTP Browser configurations allow you to upload campaign files in bulk. 

For more information, see Uploading Files Using SFTP Browser.

Contact your LiveVox system administrator for assistance.

2 a.Configure > Services > Services > Double-click on the service to access the General tab

Configure the required Services for each call center.

For more information, see Move Services to a Different Call Center.

2 b.Configure > Services > Client > Settings tabEnable the Campaign Updates Contact Manager checkbox. This allows contact records from built campaigns to appear in Contact Manager.
2 c.Configure > Services > Client > Messaging tabSet a default input filter if a campaign file name does not match any input filter filename pattern. This step ensures that campaign files do not get corrupted when built. Do not leave this field blank. 
3.Configure > System > User 

Assign the correct permissions to administrators and managers.

For more information, see Managing Users


Configure > Contacts > DNC

Ensure that compliance tools such as Do Not Contact (DNC) lists are in place.

For more information, see Do Not Call (DNC) Tools.


Configure > Voice > Profiles

Create profiles for compliant contact policies.

For more information, see Profiles.

6.Configure > Voice > Strategy

Create contact (dial) strategies.

For more information, see Dialing Strategies.