Design Agent Desktops and manage agent experience. |
LiveVox U-CRM Agent Desktop is a powerful tool that helps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of agents in a contact center environment. It allows the agents to access customer information and perform their job efficiently. The application is designed to provide agents working in a contact center environment with a single interface to access customer information and perform various tasks such as making and receiving calls, sending and receiving texts, and handling email and web chat interactions.
The feature allows you to customize an agent's desktop using a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor with integration capabilities to address workflows. LiveVox’s Agent Desktops are not only equipped to handle multichannel interactions, such as Voice, SMS, and Webchat but also provide the agent with the customer’s universal profile to provide them the information they need when interacting with your customers. U-CRM has various features that promote a single pane of glass so that your agents do not need to manage multiple applications.
For you to use the U-CRM functionality, you should have the Designer option enabled in the Billing tab. To purchase U-CRM functionality, contact the Livevox Support Team. For more information on Billing details, see Billing Tab. |
The following video gives you an overview of the U-CRM feature.
You can use a U-CRM Agent Desktop to:
View contact (voice, email, SMS) records.
How do I differentiate between the Designer Desktop and Agent Desktop? |
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