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A contact view is a customized view of a table containing contacts, intended to help you and your agents to easily segment, find, track, prioritize, or manage contacts, without the need for a manual search. You can define a contact view based on all properties (system and custom) of a contact and also based on conditional logic (advanced criteria). In addition, you can define who can view or modify a contact view. 

Contact views appear as options in the Select a predefined view field in the Contacts section that appears when you click Ticketing > Tickets on the Configure tab. For agents and agent teams, they appear as options in the Select a predefined view field in the contact list section on their Agent Desktops.

To create and design a contact view:

  1. On the VIEWS tab, click New.
    The New Contact View window appears.
  2. Specify values in the following fields:
    • Name: Name to identify the view.
    • Description: Description of the view. This field is optional.
      The contact view is created and is available on the VIEWS tab. The Design tab appears to enable you to design the view.

      The Summary section on the Design tab displays the changes that you make on each subtab of the Design tab, in real time.

  3. Click Save.

  4. If you want to design the contact view based on basic filter criteria, on the Filter Criteria subtab, specify the filter criteria. 

    • Both system fields and custom fields appear on the tab.
    • When specifying the filter criterion for a custom field, ensure that you also specify the filter criterion for at least one system field.
    • You cannot specify the filter criteria for more than two custom fields.
  5. If you want to design the contact view based on advanced filter criteria (conditional logic), on the Filter Criteria subtab:

    1. In the Advanced Criteria Mode option, select the Off option.
      The Query Builder section displaying the And and Or options appears.

    2. Hover over the section displaying the And and Or options.
      The following buttons appear:
      1.  Add rule: Enables you to add a condition within a group.
      2. Add group: Enables you to add a condition through a new group. 

        You can identify a group by the And and Or logical operators. The rules within a group are linked by the logical operator selected for the group. For example, if the option Or is selected within a group, all the rules within that group are linked by the Or logical operator.

    3. Specify conditions for the contact view by using the Add rule and/or Add group buttons where required.

      • A textual representation of the specified filter criteria appears in the Summary section in real time.
      • To delete a rule or group, hover over the rule or group, and then use the close icondelete icon.
      • To design the contact view based on basic filter criteria, in the Advanced Criteria Mode option, select the On option.

      Suppose that you want to specify the following filter criteria for the contact view: 

      The name of the agent team assigned to contacts is Support; the names of the agents on that agent team are either Jane Doe or John Doe; and the call attempts for the current day is greater than two.

      Then, in the Query Builder section, perform the following steps:

      1. Click Add rule, and then specify the following condition.

        Agent TeamEqual ToSupport
      2. Click Add group, and then specify the following condition.

        AgentEqual ToJane Doe
      3. Hover over the second group, click Add rule, and then specify the following condition.

        AgentEqual ToJohn Doe
      4. Within the second group, select the Or option.
      5. Within the first group, click Add rule, and then specify the following condition.

        Call Attempts TodayGreater Than2

  6. Specify values in the fields of the following subtabs.

    Fields to Display

    The items that appear in the Selected section represent the columns in the table of contacts that appears when you select the contact view.

    If you want to display additional columns in the contact table, in the Available section, select the names of such columns, and then click the right arrow icon right-arrow icon.

    If you want to hide certain columns from the contact table, in the Selected section, select the names of such columns fields, and then click the left arrow icon left-arrow icon.

    The order in which the items appear in the Selected section corresponds to the order in which they appear as columns in the contact table. To modify the position of a column, in the Selected section, drag the name of that column to the position you want.

    You can revert all your changes by clicking the reset icon reset icon.

    Restrict Editors

    By default, the contact view can be modified by anyone.

    If you want only certain users to be able to modify the contact view, in the Available section, select their names, and then click the right arrow icon right-arrow icon.

    If you do not want the selected users to be able to modify the contact view, in the Selected section, select their names, and then click the left arrow icon left-arrow icon.

    You can revert all your changes by clicking the reset icon reset icon.

    Restrict Visibility 

    By default, the contact view is visible to everyone.

    If you want the contact view to be visible to only certain users, teams, or agents, select one of the following options, and then, in the Available section, select their names, and then click the right arrow icon right-arrow icon:

    • Users: Indicates that the contact view is visible to only the selected users.
    • Teams: Indicates that the contact view is visible to only the selected agent teams.
    • Agents: Indicates that the contact view is visible to only the selected agents.

    If you do not want the contact view to be visible to the selected users, teams, or agents, in the Selected section, select their names, and then click the left arrow icon left-arrow icon.

    You can revert all your changes by clicking the reset icon reset icon.

  7. Click Save.
    The design of the contact view is saved.

In the Contact Views window, on the VIEWS tab, you can:

  • Preview a contact view by double-clicking the row displaying the view and then clicking the Preview tab.
  • Modify, copy, or delete a contact view by selecting the row displaying the view and then using Edit, Copy, or Delete, respectively.
  • Modify the design of a contact view by double-clicking the row displaying the view.
  • Filter the contact views by entering in the Filter box the text (name, type, or description) based on which you want to filter the views.
  • No labels