Page tree


You can configure the properties of the components that appear on the Designer panel of a U-CRM Agent Desktop by using the Properties subtab. For example, for a component, you can specify which title is displayed on the desktop, or specify if the agent using the desktop can delete the record associated with the component (account, contact, or ticket).

Property Descriptions

The following tables describe the fields (including checkboxes) and the buttons that appear on the Properties subtab for the elements in a given group of the Design subtab.

Before You Begin

  • Components on the U-CRM Agent Desktop are referred to as elements in Designer. 
  • Each of the following tables corresponds to a group on the Design subtab (such as Accounts, Agents, or Analytics).
  • Each group contains an element. For example, the Agents group contains the Queue, Schedule, and Stats elements.
  • The fields or the buttons that appear on the Properties subtab vary depending on the element you select on the Design subtab.


The following table describes the fields that are common to multiple groups.



Used to hide or display the title in the section.

Header Position

Used to specify the position (left, right, top, or bottom) of the title bar.


Used to specify a color for the title bar.


Used to specify a title for the element on the desktop.



Allow Account Deletion

Used to specify if an agent can delete an account. 

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Allow Account Export

Used to specify if an agent can export accounts.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Allow Account Import

Used to specify if an agent can import accounts.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Allow Contacts

Used to specify if an agent can view the contacts linked to an account through the Contacts tab.

Allow Encrypted Fields

Used to specify if the encrypted fields are enabled when an agent views a record.

This field also appears for the Contacts and Ticketing groups.

Allow Note Deletion

Used to specify if an agent can delete a note.

Allow Tickets

Used to specify if an agent can view the tickets linked to a record through the Tickets tab.

This field also appears for the Contacts group.

Custom Buttons

Used to configure the function buttons.

For more information, see Configuring a Function Button.

This field also appears for the Contacts and Ticketing groups.

Detail Screen

Used to configure the display of the Detail tab of an account. 

This field also appears for the Contacts group.

For more information, see Screen Configuration Window.

Highlight Screen

Used to configure the display of the main area of an account.

For more information, see Screen Configuration Window.

This field also appears for the Contacts group.

New Account using Forms

Used to specify the web forms that your agents can use to create an account record.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

  • To specify the web forms, in the Available Forms section, select the forms, and then click the right arrow icon  right-arrow icon.
  • To remove the web forms, in the Selected Forms section, select the forms, and then click the left arrow icon  left-arrow icon.
  • You can revert your changes by clicking the reset icon reset icon.




Used to specify if acknowledgment tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if arbitration tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if callback tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if coaching tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if e-learning tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if email tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if notification tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if scheduling tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to specify if SMS tasks for the agent are displayed on the desktop.


Used to display the following statistics on the desktop:

  • Productivity: Represents the performance of an agent versus the performance of top-performing agents.
  • Term Code Distribution: Term Codes (disposition codes) are result codes that represent the outcomes of calls handled by an agent. (Agents are required to select a termination code when ending a call.) This statistic represents the number of the following call results for the current day:
    • RPC Complete: Includes the 1 - PTP (RPC) termination code category (Promise to Pay Right Party Contacts Complete).
    • RPC Incomplete: Includes the 2 - RPC termination code category (Right Party Contacts).
    • WPC: Includes the 3 - WPC termination code category (Wrong Party Contacts—the total number of calls that were made to the unintended party).

    • Non Contacts: Includes the 4 - OTHER termination code category.

  • Time Distribution: Represents the time spent by an agent in productive and non-productive (Not Ready) states for the current day.


Used to specify how you want the statistics to be represented on the desktop. Depending on the statistic selected in the Stat field, this field contains the following options: 

  • Bar
  • Donut
  • Pie
  • Spline
  • Table



Configure Filters

Used to specify if an agent can filter the data on a standard Performance Analytics dashboard based on an agent, agent team, service, and call center. The Configure Filters button is enabled only if you select a standard Performance Analytics dashboard in the Dashboard field.

To enable an agent to view the data on the dashboard for a specific agent, agent team, service, or call center, in the Filters Setup window, select the respective checkbox.


Used to display a Performance Analytics dashboard on the desktop. A Performance Analytics dashboard is a graphical representation of operational data, such as the number of closed tickets, the average handle time, and the total resolution time.

For more information, see U-BI.

To display multiple Performance Analytics dashboards on the same desktop, use the Tabs container of the Design subtab. For information about how to use the container, see Designing an Agent Desktop Page.



Allow Accounts

Used to specify if an agent can view the accounts linked to a contact through the Accounts tab.

Allow Contact Deletion

Used to specify if an agent can delete a contact.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Allow Playing Audio Recording

Used to specify if an agent can play an audio recording.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Allow Teckst

Used to specify if an agent can use the Teckst platform to send SMS messages.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Directory Screen

Used to perform the following actions through the Screen Configuration window:

  • Enable or disable phone, email, and SMS consent.
  • Specify labels for the phone fields (regardless of how they are labeled in Contact Manager).
  • Define which phone numbers to display for agents by enabling or disabling the phone fields.

  • The Phone Consent, SMS Consent, and Email Consent checkboxes represent if an agent can contact your customers through calls, SMSes, and emails, respectively.
  • The Label column represents the label of the phone position field. You can change the values in this column by clicking the values.
  • The Enabled column represents if the field is hidden or displayed on the Agent Desktop. You can select or clear the checkboxes in this column.

New Contact using Forms

Used to specify the web forms that your agents can use to create a contact record.

For more information, see the New Account using Forms row.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

Teckst Client ID

Used to enter your Teckst ID if you have selected the Allow Teckst checkbox. To obtain your Teckst ID, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.

This field also appears for the Ticketing group.

If the Teckst platform is not enabled, an agent can still send SMSes through the default SMS window.



KB Portal

Used to specify a published Knowledge Base (KB) portal (online library of information) for the desktop.

For more information, see Knowledge Base.



Auto Load

Used to specify if the external web address is loaded automatically when an agent logs in to the desktop.


Used to configure the function buttons. 

For more information, see Configuring a Function Button.

Configure URL Query Params

Used to pass parameters to an external application.

When entering a value in the Name column, do not include spaces. Some of the standard values that Designer recognizes are clientName, userName, and password.

Hello, Customer Name

Used to display the name of the customer on the Home Bar.

Image Position

Used to specify the position of the uploaded image.

You can upload an image by using the Upload Image button.

Info Menu

Used to display the Info Menu icon Info Menu icon on the Home Bar to enable an agent to view the following information:

  • Login ID of the agent
  • Agent Desktop version
  • About LiveVox
  • LiveVox Customer Care

Next Page Button

Used to display the right arrow icon  next page icon on the Home Bar to enable an agent to go to the next Agent Desktop page (target page).


Used to display the Notes icon Notes icon on the Home Bar to enable an agent to record notes within the desktop.

Omni Search Field

Used to specify if a search box, along with the magnifying glass icon magnifying glass icon, appears on the Home Bar to enable an agent to search for a record.

Previous Page Button

Used to display the left arrow icon  previous page icon on the Home Bar to enable an agent to go to the previous Agent Desktop page. 

For information about how to design a page, see Designing an Agent Desktop Page.

Recently Viewed

Used to display the Recently Viewed icon on the Home Bar to enable an agent to view the last 10 accounts, last 10 contacts, and last 10 tickets that the agent viewed.

If you select the Recent Viewed checkbox, ensure that you have added the Ticketing element to the canvas. Alternatively, you can add the Accounts, Tickets, and Contacts (or Contacts > Detail) elements. Adding these elements ensures that the agent can also access the recently viewed records.

Screen Pop

Used to specify if the Screen Pop icon Screen Pop icon appears on the Home Bar to enable an agent to view the customer's data. This icon displays a floating Screen Pop window that your agents can minimize any time.
Screen Pop Window

Search By

Used to specify the type of record (account, contact, note, ticket, or all) for which your agent can search.

Show on In Call

Used to specify if the Screen Pop icon Screen Pop icon appears on the Home Bar when an agent is on a call to enable the agent to view the customer's data.


Used to specify the web address of an external application to be displayed on the desktop.




Used to specify the color for the manual script.

Enable manual start script

Used to specify if a manual script is enabled on the desktop.

For more information, see Script Builder Tab.


Used to specify the text for the manual script.



Account Detail Screen

Used to configure the display of the Detail tab of an account.

Account Highlight Screen

Used to configure the display of the main area of an account.

Allow Omni Search

Used to specify if an agent can search for an account, contact, ticket, or note.

Allow Ticket Deletion

Used to specify if an agent can delete a ticket.

Allow Ticket Export

Used to specify if an agent can export tickets.

Allow Ticket Import

Used to specify if an agent can import tickets.

Contact Detail Screen

Used to configure the display of the Detail tab of a contact.

Contact Directory Screen

See the Directory Screen row.

Contact Highlight Screen

Used to configure the display of the main area of a contact.

Ticket Detail Screen

Used to configure the display of the Detail tab of a ticket.

Ticket Form

Used to specify a published ticket form (template for tickets) for the desktop.

Ticket Highlight Screen

Used to configure the display of the main area of a ticket.

New Ticket using Forms

Used to specify the web forms that your agents can use to create a ticket record.

For more information, see the New Account using Forms row.

Support Tickets Bulk Update

Used to specify if an agent can update multiple tickets together.