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The Call Recording report is available to permitted users through the LiveVox Portal Review tab. Depending on access level, users can access the call recording report, download (as PDF, Excel, and CSV file), playback multimedia screen recordings (audio and video), and/or stream and download call recordings.

Users can use the call recording report search tool to choose the parameters for generating the report. Once the report is generated, users can playback the call/screen recording or download it in mp3 (call recording) / webm (screen recording) format. A maximum of 10 accounts can be searched with a comma-delimited string within a single search. A search range (i.e. the number of days which can be queried each time) of up to 730 days is available. Results are based on the configured Days of CallRecording duration set at the Client or Service level. LiveVox maintains access to recordings through the LiveVox Portal for up to 3653 days. However, the search criteria available past 730 days are only Service ID, Agent ID, and duration. By default, all times are in EST. Once recordings are deleted, they are inaccessible and cannot be restored.

For example, users have had call recordings for the last five years and today is 20 June 2018. Then, users can select the start date as far back as 19 June 2013. If this date is selected, the end date cannot exceed 18 June 2015. Users can generate the report for two years (2013-2015), two years (2015-2017), and one year (2017-2018) if they want to generate the report for the last 5 years.

  • In the Call Recording Report, individual call recordings are played back from the Multimedia column by clicking the play audio button (). The call recording plays through an in-browser media player.
  • The call recording mp3 file can be downloaded by clicking the Download Call Recording button ().
  • The screen recording webm file can be downloaded by clicking the Download Screen Recording button ().
  • Users can playback multimedia calls and screen recordings by clicking on the multimedia icon ( ) under the Multimedia column via an in-browser media.

Sample Report displaying the playback of screen recording with a waveform of audio recording through an in-browser media player from the Call Recording report.

In addition to the above report, you can view call and screen recording reports separately on the Quality Monitoring section of the WFO tab (If enabled).

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