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The General tab of the Agent Desktop editor provides different options to configure agent desktop and call transfer options.

To access the General tab, navigate to Configure > Agents Agent Desktop > General tab on LiveVox Portal.

The following tables describe the fields that appear on the General tab of the Agent Desktop editor.

SettingsCall Record Control EnabledRecords all calls between a customer and agent by using the LiveVox Agent Desktop. Allows agents to pause/resume recordings or stop the recording.

Notes EnabledAllows agents to utilize a free-form text field that can be stored and exported to the CDR (Call Detail Report). This field has a character limit of 4000.

Account Number Validation for Inbound and Manual Calls

Requires agents to enter an account number that exists in contact manager in the following scenarios:

    • Before dialing a call manually.
    • Before terming an inbound call that does not have an associated account number.

Account Number Required

Requires agents to enter any account number in the following scenarios:

    • Before dialing a call manually.
    • Before terming an inbound call that does not have an associated account number.

Display Not Ready Codes

Allows agents to answer calls in Ready mode. In the Not Ready mode, agents can choose a sub-code to indicate the reason for not being ready to take calls. Managers can view the sub-codes on their monitors. The following subcodes are available for agents:

    • Break
    • Lunch
    • Meeting
    • Other
    • Training
    • Tech Difficulties

Hold Enabled

Displays the Hold button on Agent Desktop.

Screen Recording Control Enabled

Allows agents to pause/resume or stop screen recording by using call control buttons.

This option is displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account team to request this functionality.

Screen Recording Control Percentage

Allows you to select the percentage of calls to be screen recorded.

This option is displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account team to request this functionality.

Messagebook Enabled

Indicates if the voice messagebook button appears on the Agent Panel for calls.

Force Specific Case

Enables specific case that is autoformatted on agent specified account information. The following options are available:

  • None: Account information is captured in the format specified by agents. This is the default option.
  • Upper: Account information is captured in uppercase.
  • Lower: Account information is captured in lowercase.

Agent Logged in as Ready

When selected, the agent should be in a ready state.

Transfer OptionsTransfer Option Enabled

Enables the transfer button for agents to initiate Manual, Agent to Agent, or Phonebook Entry transfers.

Agent To Agent Transfer Enabled

Allows agents to transfer calls to other available agents. You can select the Default or Custom option to customize the transfer settings by clicking on the link next to check mark.

  • Default: Allows agents to transfer calls to other agents within the same call center.
  • Custom: Allows agents to transfer based on Service, Service Group or Agent Teams.
    • Service: Allows the transfer to agents within the same service the agent is logged into.
    • Service Group: Allows the transfer to agents that are logged into the selected Service Group.
    • Agent Teams: Allows the transfer to agents that are logged in and the part of the specified Agent Teams.

Manual Transfer Enabled

Allows agents to manually transfer a call.

Phonebook Transfer Enabled

Allows agents to transfer calls to predefined phone book entries.

To save changes, select the Save Agent Desktop button in the bottom right.

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