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To access the Services editor, go to ConfigureService > Services.


For more information, see the Service Editor and Use Services Window demo:

The Services editor main page offers the following tabs and buttons:


  • General: Contains the basic settings for the service (that is, the value specified in the Service field). For more information, see the Services General Tab section. 
  • Change History: Contains a history of the changes made to the service. For more information, see the Services: Change History Tab section. 
  • Click Distribution: Enables permitted users to configure preferred click distribution. For more information, see the Services - Click Distribution Tab section. 
  • Inbound: Contains the allowed inbound hours for the service. For more information, see the Services - Inbound Tab section. 
  • Messaging: Contains the default input filter and properties. For more information, see the Services - Messaging Tab section. 
  • Phone Numbers: Contains the default phone numbers for the service. For more information, see the Services - Messaging Tab section. 
  • Preview Settings: Contains the preview settings. For more information, see the Services - Preview Settings Tab section. 

    This tab appears only if the value in the Service Type field of the General tab is Preview All (Preview) or API Enabled (API Enabled).

  • Routing: Enables you to view and select the preferred routing method (that is, service, service group, or agent teams). For more information, see the Services - Routing Tab section. 
  • Settings: Contains advanced settings for the service. For more information, see the Services: Settings Tab section. 
  • Termination Codes: Contains termination codes assigned to the service. For more information, see the Services - Termination Codes Tab section. 


For more information on the General, Change History, Messaging, and Termination Code tabs, see the Services Editor Use Common tabs demo:


  • Delete: Enables you to delete the service. For more information, see the Deleting Services section. 
  • Change Call Center: Enables you to move the service to a different call center. For more information, see the Move Services to a Different Call Center section. 
  • Copy Service: Enables you to copy the service. For more information, see the Copying Services section.