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Table of Contents


This document provides an overview of the features and functionality included in Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) v11.0.


PDAS v11.0 can be configured with your LiveVox Portal for LiveVox U10 and later versions. Contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team to upgrade to PDAS v11.0. The trusted partners for any client on PDAS v11.0 must be configured in the PDAS standalone application.

New Features


Single Sign-On for PDAS

It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest versions of PDAS and LiveVox releases. To request an upgrade, contact the LiveVox Customer Care team at

Trusted Partners

Trusted Partners model allows managing the relationship between LiveVox clients. This functionality can be used by clients with multiple portals utilizing PDAS. A partner is a LiveVox client that can be accessed by another LiveVox client to define PDAS rules. You can also search exclusions, contact attempts, rule contact counts, and DND records. Partners can be added across environments. 


The Trusted Partners tab on the PDAS standalone application allows you to create, view, or delete partners.

The below image shows the sample of available partners when configuring the rule.

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This section provides information about the interface updates to PDAS.

PDAS Sub-Tabs

All PDAS sub-tabs are move to the upper-right corner of the PDAS editor.

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Create Rule Window

You can now use the updated Image Addedbutton in the Rules tab to create a new rule. The newly updated Create Rule window is as below:

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You can now use the updated Image Addedbutton in the Exclusions tab to create exclusions.

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Filter options

The searching option with multiple fields is now renamed to the Filter in Contact Attempts, Rule Contact Counts, DND, and Auditor tabs. The below image shows the Filter option in the Contact Attempts tab.

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You can now search Rules, Exclusions, Contact Attempts, Rule Contact Counts, Blocks, and Rules Modification by using the Search box in the upper-left corners in the respective tabs. You can enter the specific value you want to search in the Search box.

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DND Blocks

The DND tab now supports multiple rules matching for blocks.

  • Phone Blocks: When multiple rules are created with the same setting but one with a longer duration, then the DND tab shows only one entry with a longer duration Rule ID.
  • Account Blocks: When multiple rules are created with the same settings but one with longer duration, then the DND tab shows entries for different rules and blocks get released as per the longer duration value.

LiveVox Customer Care Contacts

24 Hour Customer Care Line: (888) 477-3448
LiveVox Customer Care Email:


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Release Notes  
PDAS v11.0

Support Contacts: 
24 Hour Support Line:  888.477.3448 
Support Email:  
This document is an unpublished work protected by the United States copyright laws and is proprietary to LiveVox, Inc. (“LiveVox”).  Disclosure, copying, reproduction, merger, translation, modification, enhancement, or use by anyone other than authorized employees, clients or licensees of LiveVox, and its affiliate companies, without the prior written consent of LiveVox, is prohibited.  This document is intended as a guide to assist users of systems provided by LiveVox, and does not constitute the provision by LiveVox of any legal or compliance advice.  Compliance by authorized clients or licensees of LiveVox with all applicable local, state, federal, or foreign laws and regulations is the sole responsibility of those authorized clients or licensees.  Further, features and services that rely on third party performance are subject to the errors and omissions of those third parties, over which LiveVox has no control.  LiveVox therefore disclaims all liability resulting from or arising out of any services supplied by or through any third-party vendor or any acts or omissions of the applicable third party vendor.  Additionally, LiveVox makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of content supplied by parties other than LiveVox. 

For Internal and Client Use Only 

Table of Contents


Documentation Purpose

This document provides an overview of the features and functionality included in Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) v11.0.

What Is New in PDAS?

UI Enhancements

Single Sign-On for PDAS

With PDAS v.11, 

  • If your LiveVox portal is on U11 and you are accessing Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor from within the LiveVox portal, you are no longer required to use multiple sign-ins.  
  • If your LiveVox portal is on  U10 or lower version, you will continue using multiple sign-ins. 
  • If you are using Phone Dialing Attempt Supervisor as a stand-alone application, in other words, you are accessing it outside of the LiveVox portal, you will need to update your URL to the links similar to those below (provided by LiveVox). Once you upgrade to the new version of PDAS, do not forget to clear existing cache and cookies and delete old links.

Customers are encouraged to migrate to the latest versions of PDAS and LiveVox releases. To request an upgrade, contact the Client Services team at
