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Versions Compared


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Product Webinars
Product Webinars


Table of Contents

Agent to Agent Chat - New Client Editor Portal Tab

With this version the Agent Portal and Portal Customization tabs in the Client editor have been combined into the new Portal tab.  This tab includes the Agent Portal Settings and the LiveVox Portal Settings. 



Agent Portal and Portal Customization tabs - U8Image Added

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Agent Portal and Portal Customization tabs - U8




Portal tab in U9

LiveVox has expanded the Chat tab on the agent desktop to allow agents to chat with each other.  Users can configure this feature from the new Configure > Client editor > Portal> Agent to Agent Chat  option.   Enabling this option allows agents to view other agents connected to the voice portal as well as supervisors from in the Chat tab.   In addition, with this version, agent can start conversations with their supervisor.  Previously, only supervisors could start chats with the agents.


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New View-Only Billing Tab in Client Editor

This version introduces the new view-only Billing tab in Client editor.

Agents are only able to initiate chats with other agents. Supervisor to agent chat feature remains the same, where supervisors can initiate chats with agents.

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Agent to Agent Chat option in Portal tab in U8

International Manual Dialing

This version introduces international dialing via manual dial services.

Contact Client Services to configure international manual dialing functionality for your target country.

This version allows the users to configure the specific international manual dial services by disabling the Outbound Compliance Enabled option. This allows the dialing outside of standard North American continental hours of operation (24-hour dialing). To configure, navigate to Configure > Client / Services > Services > ACD Settings tab. Uncheck the Outbound Compliance Enabled checkbox.

Image AddedOutbound Compliance Enabled option in Services editor
Also, Contact manager allows the users to store the maximum of 13 digits phone number for international dialing. To add international phone number, navigate to Configure > Contacts > Contacts. Under the Contacts tab, Click on Add or double click a contact. The users will be presented with the Contact screen. Under the Channels tab, the users can add a phone number (up to 13 digits).

Image AddedEdit Phone screen in Contacts manager

10-Digit Input Requirement 

This version introduces an additional risk mitigating measure for manual dialing by requesting an agent to re-enter a 10-digit phone number when using the Contact List (Click-To-Dial) widget in Agent Desktop. This option is configurable and is enabled by default. This feature can be disabled on each Service by going to Service Editor > ACD Settings > Outbound Compliance Enabled.

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Outbound Compliance Enabled option in Services Editor


If Outbound Compliance Enabled is disabled, the system will not perform the following dial time checks on the phone number:

    • Time zone validation check
    • Validate dialing window
      • Call Center open/close check
      • Dialing Profile
      • Zip-Area mismatch check

SMS and Email Enhancements

Restrict Launch of Email or SMS based on Consent

With this version, users are now able to define what SMS or Email Opt-In Message can be used on the specific service. These Opt-In messages can be defined in Message editor and assigned on any service that is used to launch email or SMS campaigns. In addition to the Opt-In messages, users are able to define whether an email or SMS consent is required for any email or SMS communication done on the Service.
To configure


  • Contact your Account team or Client Services to discuss add-on product setup for your site.
  • All billable products/features are not visible currently. More products will be added to the Billing tab in the future releases.

This tab shows the following billable add on products and currently utilized add on products is show as checked.

  • Analytics - A tool that provides an integrated highly scalable and secure, cloud business intelligence solution to create insightful, actionable intelligence that leverages LiveVox data.
    • BI Analytics - If enabled, the BI or the business intelligence tool will be accessible. It is an easy to use product that replaces static reporting with fast graphical views of operational data.
  • API - A set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for integrating the functionality exposed by the LiveVox platform with third-party applications such as CRM systems and other systems of record used by clients to manage their accounts and calling lists. The APIs can also be used to build custom applications that make use of LiveVox functionality, such as custom agent desktops and reporting dashboards.
    • API - If enabled, public APIs will be accessible.
  • Quality Assurance -
    • Transcribe - If enabled, the call recording report will put the audio recording into written format.
  • WFO - It is a Work Force Optimization (WFO) tool.
    • Assessor - If enabled, the permitted users will be able to monitor agents.
    • Designer - If enabled, it permitted users will be able to manage an agent or manager desktop that can be integrated with Agent Desktop Scripting or UAD, or as standalone for non-agent access and for agents to access without being on a call.
    • Screen Recording - If enabled, the screen recording configurations will be available under the Agent Desktop editor and screen recording report will be available under WFO tab. 
To view, navigate to Configure > Client / Services > Client Services editor > Billing Settings tab > Contact Rules section.
Image RemovedBilling tab in Client editor - U9
Previously, the view-only Screen Recording Setting option was available in the Settings tab of Client editor. With this version, the option is moved from Settings tab of Client editor to Billing tab of Client editor as shown in the above screenshot.
Image RemovedScreen Recording Setting option in Settings tab of Client editor - U8

International Manual Dialing

Previously, outbound manual dial calls were restricted by enforcing dialing windows, zip/area mismatch, and default outbound hours of operation.
This version introduces International dialing via manual dial services.


Contact Client Services to configure International manual dialing functionality for your target country.

This version allows the users to configure the specific International manual dial services by disabling the Outbound Compliance Enabled option. This allows the dialing outside of standard North American continental hours of operation (24-hour dialing). To configure, navigate to Configure > Client / Services > Services > ACD Settings tab. Disable the Outbound Compliance Enabled checkbox.


Image RemovedOutbound Compliance Enabled option in Services editor
Also, Contact manager allows the users to store the maximum of 13 digits phone number for International dialing. To add International phone number, navigate to Configure > Contacts > Contacts. Under the Contacts tab, Click on Add or double click a contact. The users will be presented with the Contact screen. Under the Channels tab, the users can add the phone number up to 13 digits.
Image RemovedEdit Phone screen in Contacts manager

Restrict Launch of Email or SMS based on Consent

With this version, users are now able to define what SMS or Email Opt-In Message can be used on a specific service. These Opt-In messages can be defined in Message editor and assigned on any service that is used to launch email or SMS campaigns. In addition to the Opt-In messages, users are able to define whether an email or SMS consent is required for any email or SMS communication done on the Service.

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Opt-In and Consent Requirements for Email and SMS

  • Email or SMS Opt-In messages can be sent regardless of the configuration of Email Consent Required and SMS Consent Required options.
  • Email or SMS Opt-In messages can be sent even if suppression list has the entries.

SMS and Email Suppression List

This versions offers ability for users to create and manage a suppression list for email and SMS from DNC editor.


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DNC editor in U8

Now, DNC editor has SMS and E-Mail tabs along with Phone Numbers tab.


This functionality is only available with Dial-Time Phone DNC option set for the portal. To verify which DNC option is enabled for the portal, navigate to Configure > Client / Service > Client > Settings > Advanced Features.

Image AddedDNC editor in U9

SMS Suppression List

The system checks against the SMS suppression list at the time of messaging and ensures that entries are not messaged. Users can create and manage the SMS suppression list from DNC editor. Users can add, upload file, or delete records (similar to Phone DNC). To configure, navigate to Configure > Contacts > DNC > SMS.

Image AddedSMS suppression list in DNC editor

When the consumer sends inbound SMS with specific keywords like Stop, Cancel, or Unsubscribe, the system automatically adds the phone number to SMS suppression list and revokes the corresponding SMS consent. In addition, when the consumer re-opts back with keywords Start, Begin, Confirm, Subscribe, Continue, the suppression list entry is removed and consent is added back.

Email Suppression List

The system checks against the Email suppression list at the time of emailing and ensures that entries are not emailed. Users can create and manage the Email suppression list from DNC editor. Users can add, upload file, or delete records (similar to Phone DNC). To configure, navigate to Configure > Contacts > DNC > E-Mail.

Image AddedEmail suppression list in DNC editor

When the consumer clicks unsubscribe link, marks the email as spam, or sender receives a hard bounce, the system adds the consumer to the email suppression list and revokes any associated consent. For consumers to re-opt back into email messaging, they must confirm via an Opt-In message.

User Interface (UI)

To configure, navigate to Configure > Client/Services > Services editor > Settings tab.
Image Removed
Opt-In and Consent Requirements for Email and SMS


  • Email or SMS Opt-In messages can be sent regardless of the configuration of Email Consent Required and SMS Consent Required options.
  • Email or SMS Opt-In messages can be sent even if suppression list has the entries.

Enhancements in Monitor tab

With this version, the UI of Monitor tab is has been updated to provide a more flexible user experience with more readily available data depending on the type of services a user is viewing. A new graphical view is displayed by default at the enterprise level (Monitor and Agents panels) if the number of call centers is less than or equal to 5 and at the call center level (Monitor and Agents panels) if the number of services is less than or equal to 20.
Users can flip from graphical to tabular view by clicking an icon in the upper right-hand corner of the widget. Similarly, users they can flip from tabular to graphical view by clicking an icon in the upper right-hand corner of the widget. 

  • The flipping of graphical and tabular views is not supported in IE browser.
  • The only Only tabular view is available if the number of call centers is more than 5 at the enterprise level. Similarly, the only tabular view is available if the number of services is more than 20 at the call center level. There is no option available to flip the view in these scenarios.

Monitor Panel

Under graphical view, Monitor panel displays the services related statistics of the specific call center in the graphical format. Users can access the data for different call centers via carousel (dots at bottom of panel). They can see the statistics of outbound, see the statistics of outbound, inbound, or blended services as per the type of Monitor panel configured under GUI settings. They can access the data for different call centers via carousel (dots at bottom of panel) at enterprise level. They can also access the data for different services of the configured service type (outbound, inbound, or blended) via carousel at call center level.
  • Monitor Outbound - Displays pie charts of the outbound service statistics with the outbound calls, the longest hold duration, and percentage of completed records from loaded records.

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Image RemovedMonitor Outbound panel in graphical view

  • Monitor Inbound - Displays pie charts of the inbound service statistics with the inbound calls, service - level, and various service average timings.

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Monitor Inbound panel in graphical view

  • Monitor Blended - Displays pie charts of outbound and inbound service statistics with the outbound calls, inbound calls, and various average timings for inbound service.


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Monitor Blended panel in graphical view


Agent Panel


Under graphical view, Agents panel displays agents related data in graphical format. Users can access statistics for Agent States, Live Connects, and Time Stats by using carousel (dots at bottom of panel).
  • Agent States - Displays a pie chart of the distribution of agents by state. Each agent state is represented by a different color.


Agents States in graphical view

  • Live Connects - Displays the number of calls handled by agents versus time in increments of 5 minutes for the last half hour.

Image AddedLive Connects in graphical view

  • Time Stats - Displays the total time in minutes spent by agents in the specified states for the current day. Each state time is represented by a different color.

Image AddedTime Stats in graphical view


Under Monitor and Agents panels, the customization of the displayed fields is not available for in graphical view. Clicking on the cog icon will prompt users with an alert message. The below image shows an alert message when clicked on the cog icon of Monitor panel.


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Image RemovedAlert message on clicking the cog icon in graphical view


Contact Manager Enhancements

Account Ownership Fields

U9 provides users the ability to assign the ownership of a contact in Contact manager to an agent, agent team or both. This allows the users to search Users can easily search and create campaigns based on this assignment. Navigate to Configure > Contacts > Contacts. Under the Contacts tab, click on Add add or double click a contact. Users will be presented with the Contact contact screen. They can utilize the Contact Ownership section of Contact contact screen to further define the Agent field, Agent Team field or both.


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To assign the contact ownership, navigate to Configure > Contacts > Contacts > Add ordouble click a contact > General Tab > Contact Ownership Section.

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Contact Ownership options

Also, the Segmentation editor now allows the users to utilize the Agent field and Agent Team field to create criteria and add segment based on the configured criteria. 

Greater List Segmentation

With this version, the Segmentation editor, basic and advanced search filters in Contacts manager are enhanced to support additional search criterion and dynamic data types. This These user friendly segmentation tools can be utilized for day to day campaign management.

  • Date field types now support dynamic dates and search operators
    • Available search operators: >, <, =, >=, <=, !=
    • Date Comparisons:  Current Month, Date picker, Number of Days Back, Number of Days from Today, Number of Months Back, Number of Weeks back, Today

Date field search in U8

Date field search in U9 

  • String field types allows dynamic search operators
    • Available search operators:  In, Not In, Starts With, Contains, Regex, Equal To, Ends With, Is Null, Is Not Null

Image RemovedImage AddedString field search in U9U8

Image AddedString field search in U9 

  • Number field types include the following search operators:
    • Available search operators: >, <, =, >=, <=, !=, Is Null, Is Not Null

Number field search in U8 

Number field search in U9

  • Basic and Advanced search now include the following new search fields:
    • Campaign – Filter all records that are included in specific campaign. Only active campaigns are displayed for 30 days.
    • Agent Id – Filter based on Agent associated to a record.
    • Agent Team Id – Filter based on Agent Team that is associated to a record.
  • Account for LiveVox Result (Updated) field is updated and now includes dynamic dates.

Bulk Changes

Previously, in order to update the data users had to make changes via individual manual entries or by uploading a new file.

With this version, users can make changes to the set of filtered Contact manager accounts in bulk using the Bulk Changes button. They can also null out existing value for contact fields and delete fields using the Bulk bulk change. Navigate to Config>Contacts>Contacts>Bulk Configure > Contacts > Contacts > Bulk Changes button.


Bulk Change button in Contacts tab - Contacts manager


The below screenshot shows Clicking the Bulk Change window that allows button presents the users to define the category that needs to be changedwith the bulk change window. Users can define the category and select the fields to be modified in the bulk change window. For example, user can select category as Change Status to update the Status for the filter set of contacts.

Bulk Change window

Previously, in order to update the data users had a to follow a process of identifying the accounts that need to be updated, export, create layouts, make the required changes and upload them to save the changes.

All standard reports can be scheduled through Job Scheduler

With this version


Not all the contact fields are available for bulk change operation. Users can only modify the fields that are available in the Category drop down list.

Job Scheduler Enhancements

Previously, some but not all of standard reports could be scheduled through the Job Scheduler. Now, any standard report can


be scheduled through Jobs Scheduler.


The following

report are include

reports have been added as part of this release:

  • Extended Campaign Report
  • Email Campaign Summary Report
  • Call Recording Report
  • Clicker Efficiency Report
  • Agent Team Summary Report
  • Call Monitoring Report
  • Call Transfer Report
  • Recording Access Events Report


Jobs can be requested and created by contacting Client Services.

Previously Job Scheduler was used to run only some of the standard jobs and client requests were turned down if a report was not on the list to be scheduled.

Asynchronous User Tasks

New User Tasks Option

Previously, process of DNC file upload took time to complete and users had to stay on the page until the process finished.

With this version, DNC uploads are completed asynchronously, meaning users can start DNC uploads and then navigate away from the page to complete other tasks as well as have better insight into the success or failure of DNC uploads.

A new User Tasks option is available under the user drop down menu in the voice portal showing that displays the details of a user’s tasks in queue.

New User Tasks option in User drop down menu

Clicking the user tasks option brings up the User Tasks user tasks window which displays the details of 1000 records in descending order of timerecords details.

User Tasks window

Users can view the details of the success or failure status of the DNC upload in the user tasks window and manually refresh the status by clicking the Refresh button.

  • If a record is invalid it is noted in the description and all valid records are uploaded successfully.
  • However, if the number of invalid records reaches 25 the entire upload fails and no records will be added to the DNC.

Previously, process to import a file was synchronous and took around 30 minutes to complete the process. Also, users did not have the ability to view the progress of the task.

New Interaction tab in Campaign Details Screen

New Interactions Tab in Campaign Details Screen

The Campaign Details screen now displays a new Interactions tab. The Campaign Details screen now displays a new Interaction tab. This tab provides the details of all the interaction attempts made on a particular record.


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Navigate to Configure > Campaigns > Campaigns > double click a campaign > Interactions tab to view the Interactions tab.

Image AddedInteractions tab - Campaign Details

The default columns on the Interactions tab are displayed depending on the type of campaign - Email, SMS or Outbound. These columns can be configured by clicking the cog icon in the top-right corner of the Interactions tab.

Call Flow Editor Enhancements

Support for Nested JSON and Array Requests via variable_assignment Module

The Variable Assignment Module assigns values to variables. This module now supports a new Variable Assignment editor which allows users to construct nested JSON and store in a CFE variable. The subsequent call flow can use the CFE variable to consume the nested JSON.

The following types of Nested JSON and array requests are supported under the actions menu in the Variable Assignment editor:

  • Auto: Automatically determined from the value and can be String, Number, Boolean or Null.
  • Array – An array contains an ordered collection of values.
  • Object – An object contains an unordered set of key/value pairs.
  • String – Is not determined from the value, but always returned as a String.

To open the Variable Assignment editor. Select , select the Assignment Expression message property from the variable_assignment module: 


Variable Assignment property

Select the icon to open the actions menu.



Variable assignment screen

The actions menu displays the types of supported nested JSON and array requests.

Image AddedVariable assignment screen expression editor


variable_assignment.pngImage Removed


New Consent Module

This version features the new Consent module added to track incoming SMS for key words so that consent flags and DNC entries can be updated automatically.  Supported key words include:

  • SMS Opt-In: Start, Begin, Confirm, Subscribe, Continue.
  • SMS Opt-Out: Cancel, Unsubscribe, Stop.

The consent module is found under the advanced modules menu:

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Consent Module in Advanced modules menu


Consent The consent module significantly reduces the complexity of the call flow from previous versions by combining modules into the new consent modulePreviosulyPreviously:


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Multiple modules


With this version:


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Transactional Email Enhancement - Embedded Image Support From Email Module


Previously, users could enable unsubscribe links, add email triggers on any existing Call Flows, and add attachments from the email module.

With this version, users can also embed an image in the email template in addition to all the previous functionality. 

To embed an image, navigate to Configure > Messaging > Call Flow editor > Call Flow > Modules. The email module is available under the basic module menu.

Image Removedemail module in Call Flow editor

Double clicking on the email module will present email screen. Navigate to Message Properties > Email Message. Users will be presented with the Email Editor screen. Users need to add a text box and then drag and drop the Image option form the editor's left column.


Image RemovedEmail Editor for Template

Double clicking on the image area will present the screen to upload the image.


Image RemovedSelect Image screen

 The customers receive the image in the email body when the email is sent by using this email template.


New Scheduled Callback Editor

With this versions, users can view all IVR Scheduled Callback and Manual Agent Scheduled Callbacks via Scheduled Callback editor. The Superuser/Sysadmin level users have the ability to view and modify the scheduled callbacks. Manager users are able to view scheduled callbacks.

Scheduled Callback editor provides the users the ability to filter/search for callback entries, also perform various tasks such as confirming in advance, cancelling when needed and for validation of when the callback is scheduled. Navigate to Config>Agents>Scheduled Callback to view the Scheduled Callback editor.

The edit scheduled callback window allows users to modify Scheduled Date, Time, and Agent details. In addition to modifying Scheduled Callback details, users can also cancel the Scheduled Callback as long as it is not queued up for dialing.

Users can view the scheduled callbacks of a Contact by navigating to Config>Contacts>Contacts>Double Click a contact>Scheduled Callback tab.

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Users can view the scheduled callbacks of an Agent by navigating to Config>Agents>Agents>Double Click an agent>Scheduled Callback tab.


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Screen Recording Enhancements

Screen Recording Controls


Previously, the manual call recording controls of agent desktop were used to control (pause, resume, and stop) the audio recordings only.
This version allows the users to configure the call recording controls as audio and screen recording controls in conjunction with LiveVox Agent Desktop Native(ADN) screen recording application.



Screen Recording Control Enabled option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive/Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > General > Settings. Select new Screen Recording Control Enabled checkbox to enable call recording controls as audio and screen recording controls. For agent specific information, see Agent Enhancements U9 section.


Image RemovedScreen Recording Control Enabled option in Agent Desktop


Percentage based screen recording


Previously, when the screen recording was enabled, all the calls were recorded.
This version allows the users to configure the percentage of calls to be screen recorded with audio. This setting is independent of the audio recording setting.


Screen Recording Control Percentage option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive/Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > General > Settings. Specify the percentage of screen recording by using new Screen Recording Control Percentage spin box.


Image RemovedScreen Recording Control Percentage option in Agent Desktop


New Values of Bitrate option for Desktop Native Screen Recording


Previously, agent screen recording feature was supporting the Bitrate(kbps) options as 128 and 256.
This version supports the following options: 128, 256, 512, and 1024 kbps. With these options, the system can be configured to maximize quality or minimize screen recording file size.



Bitrate(kbps) option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive/Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > General > Settings.


Image RemovedBitrate(kbps) option in Agent Desktop

Work Force Optimization (WFO)


With U9, WFO is integrated in Voice Portal that includes - Assessor, Call Recording Report and Screen Recording Report. Users require separate login to access Assessor.




Contact Sales Account Management for more information on how to take advantage of Assessor and its functionality.

Assessor Task Creation Capability

Assessor provides the ability to create a task that will automatically place calls into assessor queue of the permitted users to score. This feature enables intelligent routing of calls into Evaluator queues, providing targeted calls for scoring.


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Users can create new tasks or utilize a saved task that will use following criteria, in addition to the search options that are currently available:

  • Set recurring schedules (daily, weekly, or specific days of week) to execute the task.

  • Retrieve results based on percentage. For example - retrieve 5% of calls for every agent as that is the number that needs to be evaluated.

  • Specify the user queue where the respective saved tasks will be available. Assessor provides the ability to search for specific user account and assign the tasks to a specific user.


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Combined modules in call flow editor - U9


New Scheduled Callback Editor

With this version, users can view all IVR and manual scheduled callbacks via new Scheduled Callback editor. The Superuser/Sysadmin level users now have the ability to view and modify the scheduled callback records while Manager users have the ability to view the scheduled callbacks.

Scheduled Callback editor allows users to view, filter/search, edit or cancel scheduled callbacks. Navigate to Configure > Agents > Scheduled Callback to view the Scheduled Callback editor.

Image AddedNew Scheduled Callback editor

Double clicking the record will open up Scheduled Callback details screen. This screen allows users to modify scheduled date, time, and agent details. In addition to modifying scheduled callback details, users can also cancel the scheduled callback as long as it is not queued up for dialing.

Image AddedScheduled Callback Details Window

Users can view the scheduled callbacks of a specific contact by navigating to Configure > Contacts > Contacts > double click a contact > Scheduled Callback tab.

Image AddedNew Scheduled Callback Tab in Contacts Screen - U9

Users can view the scheduled callbacks of an agent by navigating to Configure > Agents > Agents > double click an agent > Scheduled Callback tab.

Image AddedNew Scheduled Callback Tab in Agents Screen - U9

  • Users will not be able to change a Scheduled Callback that was scheduled via the IVR hold queue feature (Scheduled Callback created via the IVR virtual hold queue will not have an agent assigned).
  • Scheduled Callback records with an agent showing as “N/A” indicate that an agent was assigned but then removed.

New View-Only Billing Tab in Client Editor


This version introduces the new view-only Billing tab in Client editor. 

  • Contact your Account team or Client Services to discuss add-on product setup for your site.
  • Not all billable products or features are currently visible in the Billing tab. More products will be added to the Billing tab in the future releases.

The following information is currently available under this tab:

  • Analytics - A tool that provides an integrated highly scalable and secure, cloud business intelligence solution to create insightful, actionable intelligence that leverages LiveVox data.
    • BI Analytics - If enabled, the BI or the business intelligence tool will be accessible. It is an easy to use product that replaces static reporting with fast graphical views of operational data.
  • API - A set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for integrating the functionality exposed by the LiveVox platform with third-party applications such as CRM systems and other systems of record used by clients to manage their accounts and calling lists. The APIs can also be used to build custom applications that make use of LiveVox functionality, such as custom agent desktops and reporting dashboards.
    • API - If enabled, public APIs will be accessible.
  • Quality Assurance - A tool which provides the ability to users to audit the quality of agent interaction.
  • WFO - It is a Work Force Optimization (WFO) tool.
    • Assessor - If enabled, customizable agent scorecards allow call centers to score and evaluate every agent interaction for quality, performance and compliance.
    • Designer - If enabled, offers a WYSIWYG editing environment for the creation and management of agent desktops. It provides flexibly laid out arrangement of components which package together modules of CRM and statistical functionality, along with targeted scripts which guide an agent in specific activities.
    • Screen Recording - If enabled, the screen recording configurations will be available under the Agent Desktop editor and screen recording report will be available under WFO tab. 
To view, navigate to Configure > Client/Services > Client editor > Billing tab.


Image AddedBilling tab in Client editor - U9


Previously, the view-only Screen Recording Setting option was available in the Settings tab of Client editor. With this version, this option is moved from Settings tab of Client editor (screenshot below) to Billing tab of Client editor (screenshot above).


Image AddedScreen Recording Setting option in Settings tab of Client editor in U8

Screen Recording Enhancements

Screen Recording Controls

Previously, the manual call recording controls of agent desktop were used to control (pause, resume, and stop) the audio recordings only.
This version allows the users to configure the call recording controls as audio and screen recording controls in conjunction with LiveVox Agent Desktop Native (ADN) screen recording application.


Screen Recording Control Enabled option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive or Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > General tab > Settings section. Select new Screen Recording Control Enabled checkbox to enable call recording controls as audio and screen recording controls. For agent specific information, see Agent Enhancements U9 section.

Image AddedScreen Recording Control Enabled option in Agent Desktop

Percentage based screen recording

This version allows the users to configure the percentage of calls to be screen recorded with audio. This setting is independent of the audio recording setting.


Screen Recording Control Percentage option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive or Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > General tab > Settings section. Specify the percentage of screen recording by using new Screen Recording Control Percentage spin box.

Image AddedScreen Recording Control Percentage option in Agent Desktop

New Bitrate Value Options for Desktop Native Screen Recording

Previously, agent screen recording feature was supporting the Bitrate(kbps) options as 128 and 256.
This version supports the following options: 128, 256, 512, and 1024 kbps. With these options, the system can be configured to maximize quality or minimize screen recording file size.

  • Bitrate(kbps) option will be displayed only if agent screen recording is enabled. Contact your Account Executive or Account Manager to request the agent screen recording functionality.
  •  Video recording storage is a subject for additional costs. Please contact your Account Executive for pricing information.

To configure the functionality, navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop > Desktop Native tab > Settings section.

Image AddedBitrate(kbps) option in Agent Desktop

Work Force Optimization (WFO) 

Integration of WFO into LiveVox Portal


With this version, the WFO tool is integrated into LiveVox portal. This tool provides the following quality monitoring options under WFO tab (if enabled). These options are used for monitoring quality control, researching customer complaints, or assisting in agent training. 
  • Assessor - Allows customizable agent scorecards to score and evaluate every agent interaction.
  • Screen Recording Report - Allows to search for specific agent screen recording of the call.
  • Call Recording Report - Allows to search for specific call recordings.


Contact your Account team or Client Services to discuss add-on product setup for your site.

The WFO tab will be displayed next to the Review tab, if enabled.

Image AddedWFO tab in LiveVox portal

  • Assessor and Call Recording Report options will be available under WFO tab if Assessor add-on product is enabled.
  • Screen Recording Report and Call Recording Report options will be available under WFO tab if Screen Recording add-on product is enabled.
  • To see what add-on product is enabled for the portal, navigate to Configure > Client / Service > Client editor > Billing tab > WFO section.

Clicking on the WFO tab will display the Sign in screen to users. Users need to enter the credentials provided by the permitted administrative users.

Image AddedSign In screen in WFO tab


After signing in, users can access the Assessor editor, screen recording and call recording reports.  


Assessor editor allows to:
  • Design the scorecards
  • Search and evaluate the calls
  • Manage the tasks for assessor users
  • Review the usage report
  • Administrate audio note categories and assessor users

Image AddedAssessor screen

Screen Recording Report

This option allows to search for specific screen recordings by using the filters.

Image AddedSearch filters of Screen Recording Report


After selection of parameters, users can generate the report by clicking on Generate Report button located to the right of the search criteria.

Image AddedScreen Recording Report 

Call Recording Report

This option allows to search for specific call recordings by using the filters.


Image AddedSearch filters of Screen Recording Report

After selection of parameters, users can generate the report by clicking on Generate Report button located to the right of the search criteria.

Image AddedCall Recording Report


Usage Report of Assessor


This new report can be generated at the end of each month for billing purposes. Users can use filters to search the required report. This report may only be generated with a start and end time frame no greater than 365 days. Select the search criteria from Filters panel and click Run to generate the report. It displays the list of agents who had their calls graded in the specific duration under Summary panel. This report can be exported in a spreadsheet by clicking on Export button.

 Image Added

Usage Report of Assessor
The report will also provide a number of people that assessed (scored) calls specified duration and then list the evaluators. To see the list of evaluation details, click on + sign in the first column of the record. Users will be presented with the details of the record. Under # Eval column, double click on the number of evaluators. Users will be presented with the Evaluations screen.

Image AddedEvaluations screen in the Usage report of Assessor

Audio Time Bar Tags With Categories


With this enhancement, the permitted users can mark moments in time on the audio call time bar where certain events happens. So they can make a comment or note and link it to that moment in time.
Users can define the list of categories in Categories editor under the Administer tab where they can create, update and delete categories. 

Image AddedAudio note categories in Administer tab

To create an audio note with the category for the call, click on an icon Image Added . When creating an audio note for the call, users can select a category from the Category drop down.

Image Added Category selector in Audio Note

The category will be reflected on the audio note created when hovering through the audio note point (green square) in the waveform or clicking on it.

Image AddedAudio note category on hovering over audio note point

Image AddedAudio note category on clicking over audio note point

Assessor Scoring and Workflow Task Creation Capabilities

Users can utilize Assessor to score calls, design scorecards and manage tasks. Assessor provides the ability to create a task that will automatically place calls into assessor queue of the permitted users to score. Users are presented with the following scoring options upon login:

  • Score - The Score tab allows the users to search for calls and also provides the ability to evaluate them.

Image AddedScore Tab - Assessor

  • Design-Scorecards - The Design-Scorecard tab provides users the ability to design scorecards and assign them to a service, add Questions in order to evaluate the call and further define the Answers.

Image AddedDesign-Scorecard - Assessor

The Questions panel can be utilized to create root questions, follow up questions and same level questions. Users can specify the weight and group for each question. Once designed, these dynamic scorecards can be utilized to evaluate and score the call.

 Image AddedAdding questions to design a scorecard

  • Manage-Tasks - The Manage-tasks tab enables intelligent routing of calls into Evaluator (Assessor user) queues, providing targeted calls for scoring. Permitted users can create new tasks or utilize a saved task, set recurring schedules (daily, weekly, or specific days of week) to execute the task, retrieve results based on percentage and specify the Evaluator queue where the respective saved tasks will be available.

Image AddedManage-Tasks Tab - Assessor


Contact Sales Account Management for more information on how to take advantage of Assessor and its functionality.

Integration of Screen Recording from LiveVox Portal into Assessor

LiveVox screen recording is available in Assessor. Screen recording (video) playback is synchronized with audio and can be displayed in different views. The video slider at the top right corner of the Assessor editor allows the users to control the size of the video playback screen. Drag the slider towards the center to view the video playback along with the audio.

Image AddedVideo playback and Slider Options in Assessor

Users can click the play icon Image Added  to playback the screen recording. They can also change the display by clicking the pop up icon Image Added which brings up the video playback pop up screen.

Image AddedVideo Playback Pop Up Screen in Assessor

Integration of Designer into LiveVox Portal

With this version, the Designer tool is integrated into LiveVox portal. Designer is a WYSIWYG editing environment for the creation and management of agent and manager desktop. It provides flexibly laid out arrangement of components which package together modules of CRM and statistical functionality, along with targeted scripts which guide an agent in specific activities. The selection and arrangement of components may vary across time. The variations, called Pages are triggered by agent actions, typically button clicks.


Contact your Account team or Client Services to discuss add-on product setup for your site.

If enabled, users can see the checked Designer option by navigating to Configure > Client / Service > Client editor > Billing tab > WFO section.

Image AddedView-Only Designer option in Billing tab of Client editor

This feature allows permitted users to configure Designer desktop from Agent Desktop editor. Navigate to Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop editor. Users are provided with a new option as Agent + Designer. Selecting the Agent + Designer radio button will provide with the new Designer tab.

Image AddedDesigner in Agent Desktop editor

Clicking on the arrow next to Designer Desktop will display the Sign in screen to users. Users need to enter the credentials provided  by the permitted administrative users.

Image AddedSign In screen for Designer access

After signing in, users will be presented with Designer browser tab.

Image Added
Designer Desktop screen

Users can create the Designer Desktop, by using Add a Desktop button and they can configure the desktop as per the requirement.

  • LV-Deafult desktop is available to the users by default.
  • Users can assign the Designer desktop on any Agent Desktop via Agent Desktop editor and define a Designer desktop specific to a Service, Call Center or groups of Service.

Designer has the following tabs to configure the functionality.
  • Designer - Used to Lists and summarizes the current set of Desktops, the pages of each desktop, and in turn, the events that may be trigger a page switch from a given page.
  • Script Builder - Used to configure scripts which guides an agent in specific activities. For example, credit card collection or welcoming.
  • APIs - Used to configure an action on the particular event.

Performance Analytics Enhancements

Assessor data is now available in Performance Analytics. All scoring data that consists of all the assessment data including information about the call as well as the actual scoring information (Questions, Answers, Total score, and score per question) is now available for analysis.

Image AddedPerformance Analytics U9


