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A team of assessors carries out calibration tasks for calibrating or aligning the quality standards for customer service interactions. This process ensures that all the assessors agree on the quality standards and their evaluations are consistent which leads to fair and accurate assessments of the customer interactions. 

The Calibration Results window displays report records the list results of the calibration tasks processed by QM. You can also view the status of each calibration task. 

Viewing Calibration Report

. It includes details such as average scores from all assessors, individual assessor scores, deviation from the mean or average score, and assessors' responses to specific questions.

  • To search for a specific calibration task, use the Search by task name field. 
  • To refresh the list, clickImage Added


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titleCustomizing Report Table

You can customize the displayed report table as follows.

Display or hide certain columns in the table.
  1. Click the arrow next to any column heading, and then click the Columns option
  2. If you want to display certain columns in the table, select the checkboxes next to their names.
  3. If you want to hide certain columns in the table, clear the checkboxes next to their names.
Sort the values in a column in ascending or descending order.Click the column heading once or twice as required. Alternatively, you can click the arrow next to the column heading, and then select the Sort Ascending or  Sort Descending option.
Filter the statistics based on a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then use the Filters option. 
Lock or unlock a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then click the Lock or Unlock option.

titleFiltering/ Refreshing ResultsViewing a Calibration Report


search for a specific calibration task, use the Search by task name field. 

view a calibration report:

  1. In the Calibration Results window, either double-click on the calibration report you want to view or select the row and then click Image Added. The details of the selected report are displayed.
    The report provides details such as the list of interactions that were reviewed, scores with deviations for each assessor, answers to questions by each assessor, and a mean score value for the interaction.
    • Hover over the interaction to view details of the interaction such as Type and ID.
    • For a voice interaction, click Image Added to play the interaction.
    • Click Image Added to export the calibration results report.

  2. Click Image Added to view the calibration report in the form of a graph
To refresh the data in the table, click the Refresh icon
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