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titleView Role Types

These grids are viewed by downloading.

For Power Users, refer to the Quick Reference Page to Download: 

aliasUser Roles and Permissions LVP 1117.0 Power Users

For Lite Users, refer to the Quick Reference Page to Download: 

alias User Roles and Permissions LVP 1117.0 Lite Users

titleAdd a User
  1. Click on the Add a user button (plus symbol) at the bottom right.
  2. To add the profile picture, hover the mouse on profile picture area and click in the area. You are presented with Change Profile Picture screen. You can either upload the image by clicking the Upload a file button or select from the available avatars.
  3. Specify the User Name.
  4. Fill in all attributes under the respective attribute.
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom right to save the new user.
