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Users are the administrators of Livevox Portal (LVP) operations responsible for everything from adding queues to list management and adding agents. Expand available tasks below for more information:

  1. Select the appropriate User type from the drop down at the top left. Depending on your role (access level) you may see all user roles/users or none. See View Role Types section below for details into these roles.
  2. Find the user from the list which appears. The top space above each column is a search bar; start typing the user's details and they will appear.
  3. Basic attributes are similar for all user types. The Manager role has a number of optional powers to expand or narrow their abilities.
    1. Using the cog icon in the upper right hand corner, you can specify which attributes to display.
  • User Name - Far left column; the name used to log into the LVP. Must be unique.
  • First Name - User's given name for usage logs.
  • Last Name - User's surname for usage logs.
  • E-Mail - User's email address for any alerts.
  • Role - Displays the selected user role.
  • OTP - Displays the user's One Time Password (OTP) enrollment status.
  • Last Login -  Displays the user's last login date and time.
  • Last IP - Displays the last IP used by the user.
  • Services - Allows limiting of access to specific services/call centers. View by clicking on Paper/Pencil icon.
  • Optional Powers - Displays and allows to set optional powers available for the user's role.
  • Access to DNC - Provides access to the DNC editor.
  • Access to Administer Agents -  Provides access to the Agent editor, Agent Classification, and Service Group.
  • Access to Strategies Editor - Provides access to the Strategy editor.
  • Access to Campaign Templates - Provides access to Campaign Templates.
  • Access to Segmentations - Provides access to Segmentation.
  • Access to Upload Campaign - Provides access to Campaigns.
  • Ability to Modify services - Provides access to the Service editor, It also provides view-only access if not checked.
  • Access to Contact Manager - Provides access to the Contacts manager and allows a user to modify the contacts within Contacts manager, if checked.
  • Access to Ticketing - Provides access to the ticketing system.
  • Access to Accounts - Provides access to the account tool.
  • Ability to view Costs - Restricts users from viewing billing and cost information.
  • Access to Reports - Provides access to the Review tab and report shortcuts.
  • Access to Real Time Report - Provides access to Real Time Report.
  • Access to Service Efficiency Report - Provides access to Service Efficiency Report
  • Access to Campaign Line Summary Report - Provides access to Campaign Line Summary Report.
  • Access to Billing Duration Report - Provides access to Billing Duration Report.

Users with access to reporting have the following optional Call Recording powers:

  • Access to Call Recording Report -  Provides access to Call Recording Report.
  • Ability to download call recording report - Provides ability to view link and download recordings from Call Recording Report.
  • Permission to stream (playback) recording - Allows to view link and stream recordings from Call Recording Report.
  • Ability to download screen recording - Provides ability to view link and download recordings from Call Recording Report.

  • Access to Voicemail Recording Report - Provides access to Voicemail Recording Report.

  • Permission to stream (playback) voicemail recording - Allows to view link and stream recordings from Voicemail Recording Report.

  • Ability to download voicemail recording - Provides ability to view link and download recordings from Voicemail Recording Report.

These grids are viewed by downloading.

For Power Users, refer to the Quick Reference Page to Download: User Roles and Permissions LVP 17.0 Power Users

For Lite Users, refer to the Quick Reference Page to Download:  User Roles and Permissions LVP 17.0 Lite Users

  1. Click on the Add a user button (plus symbol) at the bottom right.
  2. To add the profile picture, hover the mouse on profile picture area and click in the area. You are presented with Change Profile Picture screen. You can either upload the image by clicking the Upload a file button or select from the available avatars.
  3. Specify the User Name.
  4. Fill in all attributes under the respective attribute.
  5. Click the Save button at the bottom right to save the new user.

Navigate to the user to be adjusted. Double click on the user. You are presented with the Info tab screen along with the profile picture. Select the attribute value and update. For more details on specific attributes see View Current User Attributes above. If enabled, Enroll button is available for Dual Factor Authentication (DFA) when updating the user. If selected, the next time the user logs in or changes the password, the user will be taken through the OTP activation process. When logging in, the user must authenticate with a secondary PIN via a mobile application (Google Authenticator, OKTA etc.). Clicking on Reset button will disable the dual authentication process for the user. Select the Save button at the bottom right to save changes.

  • Please contact LiveVox Client Services to enable Dual Factor Authentication option and specify Max Failed Login OTP Attempts.
  • Dual Factor Authentication is not available for agent login.

Sysadmin users have the ability to unlock other users who have tried to unsuccessfully to log into the LVP. The sysadmin will need to navigate to the user to be unlocked, double-click on the padlock icon next to their name, and confirm that they should be unlocked.

To change the user role follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the user and double click. You will be presented with the Info tab screen.
  2. Choose the desired role from Role drop down.
  3. Select the Save button to update the role.

Navigate to the user to be deleted. Select the Delete button (red X) from the bottom right. Select the Save button.

The Audit History tab tracks and displays changes by the user.

The Change History tab tracks and displays the changes made to the user.

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