Provide basic CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) capabilities through standard HTTP methods.

SmartReach API Overview
Learn about integrating the SmartReach platform functionality with third-party applications.

Generating a Session ID
Learn about the permissions required to use the SmartReach Public APIs.

Account API
Create and manage accounts and retrieve accounts list.

Call Control API
Interact with the LiveVox platform for client applications that need to do first and third-party call control.

Campaign API
Create and manage campaigns and search for completed campaigns.

Compliance API
Support features such as Do Not Call List management and access to call recordings.

Configuration API
Retrieve configuration data from the LiveVox platform, such as lists and properties of Call Centers.

Contact API
Create and manage contacts, and retrieve information about them.

Context Data API
Update client-specific key-value pairs.

Email API
Allow to list client email addresses, send a transactional email, and list client email templates.

Quality Monitor API
Support features related to quality monitoring.

Real-Time Reporting API
Retrieve data related to campaign and queue statistics in near real-time from the LiveVox platform.

Reporting API
Retrieve historical data from the LiveVox platform, such as agent statistics and call history.

Session API
Manage LiveVox API sessions including logging into the LiveVox platform to create a new session.

Allow to list SMS templates, send transactional SMSes, and list client SMS codes.