In the LiveVox Fall 23 release, the Quality Monitoring (QM) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have been updated and backported to LV19.


MethodChange TypeDescription
List All Rules

New method in v23.0

Allows you to retrieve all existing rules for real-time transcription.

List All Rule Categories

New method in v23.0

Allows you to retrieve all existing rule categories for real-time transcription.

List All Scorecard Question Groups

New method in v23.0

Allows you to retrieve all existing scorecard question groups by client ID.

List All Scorecard Question Group Grades

New method in v23.0

Allows you to retrieve all existing scorecard question group grades by client ID.
List Scorecard Question Group Result by InteractionUUID

New method in v23.0

Allows you to retrieve the results of a group of scorecard questions by interactionUUID.
Interaction Search


  • The response of this method has been updated to include the agent assist functionality:
    • realTime: Indicates whether it is a real-time interaction.

    • summary: Summary of a transcript.

    • customerAnalytics: Receives information about customer analytics.

    • agentAnalytics: Receives information about agent analytics.

    • customerKeyPhrases: Receives customer key phrases.

    • agentKeyPhrases: Receives agent key phrases.

  • The response of this API method has been updated to include the  questionGroupResults array, which provides details about the question group results.
  • The response of this API method has been updated for a type of threadId attribute from Number to String.
Interaction Lookup


  • The response of this method has been updated to include the Agent Assist functionality:
    • realTime: Indicates whether it is a real-time interaction.

    • summary: Summary of a transcript.

    • customerAnalytics: Receives information about customer analytics.

    • agentAnalytics: Gets details of agent analytics

    • customerKeyPhrases: Receives customer key phrases

    • agentKeyPhrases: Receives agent key phrases

  • The response of this API method has been updated to include the questionGroupResults array, which provides information about the question group results.
  • The response of this API method has been updated for a type of threadId attribute from Number to String.
List Agents By Client


  • The count and offset request URL parameters have been added.
    • count: Number of records to return. This number must be between 1 and 100.
    • offset: Number of records to skip before returning. This number must be zero or greater.
  • The response of this API method is updated to remove the following attributes:
    • offset
    • count
    • size
    • next
Interaction Intent Types


The count and offset request URL parameters have been added.

  • count: Number of records to return. This number must be between 1 and 100.
  • offset: Number of records to skip before returning. This number must be zero or greater.
List All Scorecard Categories


The count and offset request URL parameters have been added.

  • count: Number of records to return. This number must be between 1 and 100.
  • offset: Number of records to skip before returning. This number must be zero or greater.
List All Scorecard Groups


The count and offset request URL parameters have been added.

  • count: Number of records to return. This number must be between 1 and 100.
  • offset: Number of records to skip before returning. This number must be zero or greater.
List All Scorecard Questions


The count and offset request URL parameters have been added.

  • count: Number of records to return. This number must be between 1 and 100.
  • offset: Number of records to skip before returning. This number must be zero or greater.