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This document provides an overview of the LiveVox Zip Area Code Mismatch Protection features available in LiveVox platform version 7 and above. 

Zip Area Code Mismatch Protection

All industries have published guidelines surrounding the time window in which it is acceptable to launch outbound calls. To ensure compliance in this area, it is critical that dialing systems maintain the capacity to accurately determine the location of the called party. The primary data element used by LiveVox is the area code of the number dialed. While area code is the most commonly utilized proxy for location across outbound dialing service providers, it is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. The growth of free or low-cost long-distance service, landline portability, as well as the rise of cellular phones being used as one's primary number, have resulted in consumers maintaining their numbers, even as they relocate throughout the country. Therefore, the odds that a consumer with a cell phone or landline with a 415-area code is located in the San Francisco area decrease each year. In an effort to help clients reduce the number of calls made to consumers who have kept a number that is no longer indicative of their location, LiveVox offers the Zip/Area Code Mismatch logic.

LiveVox partners with external vendors for Zip/Area Codes. The codes are updated as changes occur. There is no set schedule for updates, but the codes are updated at least once a quarter. Since the codes are updated as changes occur and not based on a set schedule, the risk for violations is minimized. LiveVox does not provide visibility or reporting from the tables. Internal controls for updates are handled by LiveVox teams.

The Zip Area Mismatch feature offerings are configurable within the Services editor by users with appropriate permissions. To access the Zip Area Mismatch settings, navigate to Configure > Client/Service > Services > Settings > Contact Rules. The following options are available:

  • Off
  • Dial-time
  • Dial-time Optimized
  • Dial-time Overlay

The above screenshot displays the Zip Area Mismatch settings on LiveVox U10.

Dial-time Logic

If zip codes are included in and stored by the input filter, then LiveVox matches the zip codes against the account phone area codes, to ensure that the area code matches the corresponding zip code.

Example: 917 area code is normally located in New York City. 

If the area code and zip code for a record do not correspond to each other (i.e. a “mismatch”), then the safe hours rule (11 AM – 9 PM ET) apply, and the mismatched records are dialed during this window. 

Example: An account has a zip code of 30075 (Roswell, GA) but a phone number with a 917 area code (NYC, NY). Following the Dial-Time option for zip/area code mismatch logic, the account will be called in the “Safe” time zone.

Dial-Time Optimized Logic

If the area code and zip code for a record do not correspond to each other but fall into the same time zone, then the system respects that time zone’s dialing hours. If the area code and zip code for a record do not have the same time zone, the safe hours rule (11 AM – 9 PM ET) apply, and the mismatched records are dialed during this window. 

Example: An account has a zip code of 30075 (Roswell, GA) but a phone number with a 917 area code (NYC, NY). Following the Dial-Time Optimized option for zip/area mismatch logic, the account is called in ET zone.

For Dial-Time & Dial-Time Optimized, the Zip/Area code match functionality applies to the time zones for the 48 contiguous states of the USA including Canada (ET to PT).

The following logic is used for calculating the safe rule in an area code/zip code mismatch scenario: The start time is based on the westernmost permissible hour (8 AM PT) while the end time is based on the easternmost permissible hour ( 9 PM ET). This makes the safe rule dialing window from 11 AM ET to 9 PM ET. This ensures that you will start dialing at the earliest allowable safe time while also ending at the latest allowable safe time.

Dial-Time Overlay

Example: If the phone number belongs to New York (ET) and the zip code belongs to Denver (MT), the Dial-Time Overlay option dialing window will open once the Mountain time zone window opens and will close once the Eastern time zone window closes.

For all three options, anytime a call is launched via a service with Zip/Area Mismatch logic enabled into an area code with configured state policies from a custom dialing profile assigned to that service, the system will check for zip and area code match, then state dialing policies, and choose the most conservative window. If there is no zip and area mismatch, and no configured dialing profile with configured state policies with the zip code for that state, the system uses the default call center hours (8 AM – 9 PM local time), unless customer call center hours are configured. Regardless of the zip/area match outcome, if the record being dialed has a zip code, the system uses that zip code to always check against any state policies with a matching state and respect those policies.


  1. Assume that a record has an area code in Pennsylvania and a zip code in California creating a mismatch. Further, assume that the service through which this call is being made has a custom state dialing policy for Pennsylvania with a start time of 1:30 PM, then the calls will be allowed to dial beginning at 1:30 PM. In this case, the system will apply the most conservative dialing rule configured which is the state dialing rule for Pennsylvania.
  2. Assume that a record has an area and zip code in California which is a match. Further, assume that the service through which the call is being made has no custom state dialing rule for California. In this case, the system will use the start time of 8 AM PT.

Data for area/zip code information is maintained by LiveVox. LiveVox receives the information from an outside vendor and the information is periodically updated. Customers are encouraged to conduct their own independent verification.

When enabled, Zip/Area Mismatch will check each phone number as it is dialed when dialing contacts with multiple phone numbers associated and based on the Dialing Strategy assigned to that campaign.

LiveVox currently does not support 9-digit zip codes. However, methods of truncating 9-digit zip codes within the system are available. Contact for further information.

For Dial-Time Overlay, the Zip/Area code match functionality applies to all 50 states of the USA including Canada, Atlantic, and the American Samoa Time Zones (AST to SST).

Zip Area Mismatch - Canada

Zip Area Mismatch is available for Canadian postal codes. The format for a Canadian postal code is A1A 1A1, where only the first 3 characters are used for Canadian Postal Code mismatch as those constitute the “Forward Sortation Area” which is equivalent to the first 5 digits in the US zip code.

LiveVox Customer Care Contacts

24 Hour Customer Care Line: (888) 477-3448
LiveVox Customer Care Email:
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For Internal and Client Use Only

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