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Call Recording Report Search Updates

Call Recording Report search now has new Search for Verbiage option that is not functional yet but will be available as part of the call transcription functionality in the near future. 

Call Transfer Report Enhancements

Previously, the Call Transfer Report displayed the Agent ID only for agent to agent transfer, and the Phonebook entry that was selected when using a Phonebook transfer. Hence, users were unable to validate the end-to-end outcome when using Phonebook transfers.

In this version, the Call Transfer Report displays the following information in the below mentioned columns:

  • Phone Book Type (New) - Displays whether it was a Service, Service Group or External transfer and is displayed for Phonebook transfers only.
  • Phone Book Transfer (New) - Displays the Service name, Service Group name in case of a Service, Service Group or Agent to Agent transfer; and is blank in case of External or Manual transfer.
  • Transfer target (Existing) - Displays Agent Login ID in case of a Phone book, Service, Service Group or Agent to Agent transfer; and  phone number in case of External or Manual transfer.

Search Parameter Area is Minimized After Running a Report

The search parameter area of the following reports collapses once the user clicks the Generate Report button and provides them an optimized view of the generated report:

  • Failed Operator Report
  • Real Time Report
  • Campaign Line Summary Report
  • Email Campaign Summary Report
  • Phone Lookup Report
  • Account Lookup Report
  • Service Efficiency Report
  • Call Recording Report
  • Agent Activity Report
  • Agent Summary Report
  • Clicker Efficiency Report
  • Agent Team Summary Report
  • Billing Forecast Report
  • Billing Duration Report

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