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Release Notes  
PDAS v10.0

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For Internal and Client Use Only 


Documentation Purpose

This document provides an overview of the features and functionality included in Phone Dial Attempt Supervisor (PDAS) v10.0.

What Is New in PDAS?

UI Enhancements

The PDAS user interface has been re-skinned to be more consistent with the voice portal.


Previous PDAS UI

With this version,

PDAS UI v.10

Use of Contact Groups When Setting Block

This version adds Contact Group as a rule field in the Rules UI and adds Contact Group to Phone DND records when created.

Contact Groups in Rules section

Contact Groups in DND section

Other Enhancements

  • This version presents improvements in block removal, preventing a potential bottleneck that occurred at times when removing blocks from LVP.
  • When specifying Unknown in Phone Position value this now directly ensures both Manual and IB calls are automatically counted for the specific PDAS rule.

Phone Position field

  • This version allows users to search back 60 days to look at block history for blocks created in this version and going forward.  Previously, this was set for 2 weeks.

  • No labels