The Messaging tab allows you to find the default input filter as well as the very flexible Properties section. 

Input Filter(s)

  • Inherited Filter: Displays the client level default or the filter that will be used, if nothing is specified in the Input Filter drop-down list.
  • Input Filter: Displays the service level default which supersedes the Inherited or client level Input Filter default.
  • Call Flow Results Rule Set: Displays the Rule Set associated with the given call flow of the given message that is assigned to the service.


  • Lookup Properties: Clicking the Lookup properties button opens the Property(s) window which allows you to look up a property and the service associated with the same.
  • Add Property: Clicking the Add Property button opens the Add Property window as shown in the below screenshot:

    Select the property name from the drop-down list and add the property value. Click Ok to add the property and Cancel to discard the changes.
  • Delete Property: Select the property you wish to delete and click the Delete Property button to delete the property.