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You can use the Rules tab to create, manage, and export Attempt Supervisor rules. These rules enable you to set the number of contact attempts to an account or a number. After you reach the set number of attempts, the Attempt Supervisor applies a block that prevents any further contact attempts.  After the block expires, you can attempt to contact the customer. The Attempt Supervisor applies the call block by adding a DNC or DND record on the LiveVox Portal.

Creating Rules

  1. Go to Configure > Contacts > Attempt Supervisor.
  2. On the Rules tab, click the button. The Rule Editor window appears.
  3. In the Rule Editor window, provide rule details.

  4. Update the fields to create a rule.

    See Defining Rules topic for information about each field in the Rules tab.

The following topics provide additional information about creating and using Attempt Supervisor rules:

  • No labels


  1. Defining Rules
    Add a stem sentence before adding the links to provide context. For example, "The following topics provide additional information about creating and using Attempt Supervisor rules." 
  2. See Defining Rules topic for information about each field in the Rules tab.
    Make this a stem sentence for the next child topics section. "on the Rules tab"