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The voice monitor dashboard of the LiveVox Portal (LVP) displays data within subsections known as widgets. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) settings determine which widgets are displayed on the voice monitor dashboard for a given level of view (enterprise, call center, or service). You can, however, customize the dashboard to enable you to focus on key data. The GUI settings, including any changes to them, are maintained across browser sessions. You can also use the GUI settings to configure the general settings of LVP.

  • The Internationalization tab of the GUI Settings window displays the time zone and the language that is used throughout LVP.
  • For information about how to access the voice monitor dashboard for a given level, see Monitor Tab.
  • For information about the voice monitor dashboard, see Voice Monitor Dashboard.

Configuring the GUI Settings

To configure the GUI settings:

  1. On LVP, click your avatar, and then click GUI Settings.
    The GUI Settings window appears.
  2. To configure the general settings, on the Configuration tab, in the General section, select the following checkboxes if required:
    • Force update when not visible: If you select this checkbox, the monitor dashboard refreshes even when you are not viewing the dashboard.
    • Show Object ids with Object Names in dropdowns: If you select this checkbox, the applicable drop-down lists of LVP display an ID for each option in the list, along with the name, if the ID is different from the name.
  3. To configure the settings for the voice monitor dashboard, on the Configuration tab, in the Dashboard Configurator section:
    1. In the Level field, select the level (enterprise, call center, or service) for which you want to configure the settings.
      The Available Widgets section displays the widgets that are applicable to the level that you selected.
    2. In the Type field, select the type of call direction (outbound, inbound, or blended) for which you want to configure the settings.
      The Active Widgets section displays the widgets that currently appear on the voice monitor dashboard for the level and type that you selected. 
    3. If you want to display a widget on the voice monitor dashboard for the selected level and type:

      1. In the Available Widgets section, select the widget.

        • A selected widget in the Available Widgets section is indicated by a highlighted circle.
        • For information about the widgets, see the Widget Descriptions section.

      2. Click Add.
        The Add Widget window appears.
      3. In the Title field, if required, specify a title for the widget.
      4. Click Ok.
        The widget appears in the Active Widgets section.

    4. If you want to hide a widget on the voice monitor dashboard for the selected level and type, in the Active Widgets section, select the widget, and then click Delete.
      The widget no longer appears in the Active Widgets section.

      To reset (revert) the GUI settings, click Reset GUI Settings.

  4. Click Save.
    The GUI settings are saved.

Widget Descriptions

The following table describes the widgets that you can add to the voice monitor dashboard depending on the level and type that you select in the GUI Settings window.


Displays call activities and methods for pacing calls, and enables you to specify a pacing method and associated limits for calls and SMSes.

For more information, see Pacing.

Agent Averages

Displays a distribution of the average time spent by the agents in a specific state (such as In Call, Not Ready, Ready, or Wrapup).

For more information, see Agent Averages.

Agent Book

Displays names of all the agents who are signed into outbound services.

For more information, see Agent Book.


Displays statistics of the agent activities in relation to calls.

For more information, see Agent Statistics.

Campaign Control

Displays campaigns and their status.

For more information, see Campaign Control.


Displays real-time charts representing the average count of calls that agents have handled or placed on hold for the last hour.

For more information, see Live Charts.

Hold Queue

Displays calls that are in the queue.

For more information, see Hold Queue.


Displays call statistics.

Outcomes and Costs

Displays call outcomes and associated service costs.

For more information, see Outcomes and Costs.

Service Monitor

Displays call statistics for an inbound service.

For more information, see Call Statistics for Inbound Service.

State Map

Displays the map of a country in which the percentage of contacts for which dialing is completed is distributed based on the applicable states of the country.

For more information, see State Map.

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