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The Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab enables you to create recurring campaigns through Contact Manager throughout the week (any day or time). In addition, the tab enables you to filter a subset of accounts in Contact Manager, run it through a segmentation template (if required), and apply all the necessary campaign parameters needed for successful outreach.

The Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab displays the following columns:

  • Campaign Name: File name of the campaign.
  • Filter Name: Filter name of the campaign.
  • Enabled: Indicates if the campaign parameter is enabled.

Adding a Scheduled Campaign Job

To add a scheduled campaign job:

  1. In Contact Manager, on the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab, click Add.
    The Scheduled Campaign Jobs window appears.
  2. On the General tab, select the contact filter, configure the campaign parameters, and define the recurring schedule by specifying values in the following fields:
    • Filter: Select the filter based on which you want the contact records to be included in the campaign. All advanced search filters are displayed in the field for selection. 
    • Enabled: Select the checkbox to enable the scheduled campaign job.
    • Email List: Enter single or multiple email addresses to which you want email notifications to be sent after the campaign job is completed.

      The Description field displays basic information about the campaign job.

  3. To assign a segmentation template, in the Campaign Parameter field, click the ellipsis icon.
    The Create Campaign window appears.

    The settings in the Create Campaign window are similar to those that appear when uploading a campaign through the Campaigns settings. For more information, see Uploading a Campaign and Assigning Dial Characteristics.

    • On the Basic tab, you can select the service and the campaign-level attributes.
    • On the Advanced tab:
      • You can select the Segmentation Template checkbox, define the campaign schedule (on-demand or scheduled), and configure append settings. If you enable the Segmentation Template checkbox, a list of contact segmentation templates (that is, templates whose source is Contact) appears for selection. You can use these templates to upload the campaign through Contact Manager. When a segmentation template is applied to a campaign uploaded through Contact Manager, the campaign is split as defined. Any contact that is not part of the rule is added to the parent campaign. This occurs with each segmentation template used in Contact Manager. For information about creating segmentation templates for uploading a campaign through Contact Manager, see  Segmentation.
      • You can exclude the parent campaign so that leftover contacts are not accidentally attempted by selecting the Exclude Parent Segmentation checkbox.
  4. Click Ok, and then click Save.

After a campaign job is triggered and the campaign is created based on the parameters and the filter set, the campaign list is loaded to the required service or is moved to the Campaigns settings to manually build and play the campaign. 

Deleting a Scheduled Campaign Job

To delete a scheduled campaign job, in Contact Manager, on the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab, select the job, and then use Delete.

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