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The Contact List widget allows you to configure the Click To Dial option, SMS, and Email mode on the events. This provides agents the ability to search and open contact details, dial, send SMS (for cell phone numbers only), or email from the desktop.

To add a widget:

  1. Select Contact List from the available widgets section and click Add.
     Add Contact List pop-up appears.

    The following table provides the field and the description/action you need to take:

    FieldAction / Description
    Window TitleSpecify the widget name.
    EnabledSelect the checkbox to enable the widget on Agent Desktop. Once it is enabled, the agent can view customer details. 
    Click To Dial

    Select the checkbox to enable the agent to dial manual calls to contacts from the list. 

    Click to SMS

     Select the checkbox to enable the SMS option for the agent. 

    Click To SMS Mode

    Select the SMS modes from the drop-down and you have the below options. To use the SMS feature, Short Codes must be ordered through the Account team.

      • No SMS: No SMS capabilities but displays the contact list to the agent.
      • Read Only: Allows the agent to read historical SMS transactions to the consumer.
      • Send Predefined Only: Allows the agent to read historical SMS transactions and send only pre-defined SMS templates.
      • Send Custom SMS: Allows the agent to read historical SMS transactions, send predefined SMS templates, or create custom messages.

    Predefined SMS templates can be configured through the Message editor. There are two LiveVox standard Contact Flows available: 

    • SMS UAD Opt-In - The SMS UAD Opt-In is needed for any transactional SMS Opt-In requests.
    • SMS UAD Widget - This is the standard SMS UAD Widget that can be crafted to define custom messages.

    All SMS Messages support the expression builder that allows you to craft SMS templates that can pull System or Contact Flow Variables (e.g. Account Number, Payment Balance, etc.).

    Click to Email

    Select the checkbox to enable the email option for the agent. 

    Click To Email Mode

    Select the email modes from the drop-down and you have the below options.

      • No Email: No email capabilities but displays the contact details to the agent.
      • Read Only: Allows the agent to read historical email transactions.
      • Send Predefined Only: Allows the agent to read historical email transactions and send only pre-defined email templates.
      • Send Custom Email: Allows the agent to read historical email transactions, send predefined email templates, or create custom messages.

    You can create an email template from Contact Flow by using the email module (available under Basic modules) or contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team to create an email template.


    Select the event which will activate the widget. The available events are as given below:

      • On Ready: Widget appears when the agent switches to the Ready state.

    The Event option is available only if the Stateless Panel option is disabled.

  2. Click OK to save the changes.
  3. Click the Save button from the bottom of the screen to save all the changes.
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