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GUI Settings - Configuration Tab

To configure the GUI settings:

  1. On the LiveVox Portal, click your avatar, and then click GUI Settings.
    GUI Settings option
    The GUI Settings window appears.

  2. To configure the general settings, on the Configuration tab, in the General section, select the following checkboxes if required:

    • Force update when not visible: Refreshes the monitor dashboard even if you are not viewing the dashboard.
    • Show Object ids with Object Names in dropdowns: Displays an ID for each option in the applicable drop-down lists of LVP, along with the name if the ID is different from the name.
  3. To configure the settings for the voice monitor dashboard, on the Configuration tab, in the Dashboard Configurator section:
    1. In the Level field, select the level (enterprise, call center, or service) for which you want to configure the settings.
      The Available Widgets section displays the widgets that are applicable to the level that you selected.
    2. In the Type field, select the type of call direction (outbound, inbound, or blended) for which you want to configure the settings.
      The Active Widgets section displays the widgets that currently appear on the voice monitor dashboard for the level and type that you selected. 
    3. If you want to display a widget on the voice monitor dashboard for the selected level and type:

      1. In the Available Widgets section, select the widget.

        • A selected widget in the Available Widgets section is indicated by a highlighted circle.
        • For information about the widgets, see Widget Descriptions.


      2. Click Add.
        The Add Widget window appears. If you had selected the Metrics widget, the Add/Edit Metric Card window appears.

      3. In the Add Widget window, in the Title field, if required, specify a title for the widget.
        In the Add/Edit Metric Card window, specify values in the following fields.


        Metric that you want to be displayed on the voice monitor dashboard as a widget (metric widget) for the selected level and type. 

        For information about the metrics, see Metrics Widget.

        Minimum Value

        Minimum threshold value for the metric. If the current value of the metric is less than this value, the widget is highlighted on the voice monitor dashboard to alert you.

        • This field is optional.
        • For the metrics related to time (for example, Total Talk Time), the value in the field represents seconds.
        Maximum Value

        Maximum threshold value for the metric. If the current value of the metric is more than this value, the widget is highlighted on the voice monitor dashboard to alert you.

        • This field is optional.
        • For the metrics related to time (for example, Total Talk Time), the value in the field represents seconds.
      4. Click Ok or Save.
        The widget appears in the Active Widgets section.

        You can add multiple metric widgets.


    4. If you want to hide a widget on the voice monitor dashboard for the selected level and type, in the Active Widgets section, select the widget, and then click Delete.
      The widget no longer appears in the Active Widgets section.

      You can reset (revert) the GUI settings by clicking Reset GUI Settings.

  4. Click Save.
    The GUI settings are saved.

GUI Settings - Internationalization Tab

The internationalization tab reflects the time zone and the language specified in the Client Editor Settings tab.

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