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You configure an email from the following locations in the portal. Emails are used in email campaigns, agent desktops, contact flows, and campaign monitoring reports.

SequenceLVP UI NavigationTask

1 a.

Configure > Services > Client > Billing tab

Ensure that the Email Channel is enabled for your client site.

If it is not, contact your LiveVox system administrator.

1 b.

Configure > Services > Client > Settings tab

Ensure that the Advanced Features > Phone DNC Type is set to Dial-Time Phone DNC so that the Email tab appears in the Configure > Contacts > DNC settings.

If it is not, contact your LiveVox system administrator.

2 a. 

Configure > Email > Email Channel > General tab

Add the email that will send and receive communication

For more information, see Email Channel Settings.

2 b.Configure > Email > Email Channel > Services tab

Map the required services to the email address.

For more information, see Email Channel Settings.

3.Configure > Messaging > Messages

Create email message templates to use in email campaigns, automated replies to inbound emails, and agent-customer interactions.

For more information, see Create Messages.

4.Configure > Services > Services > Settings tab

Update the settings for the service that will be used for mass emails:

  1. Select the Agent Desktop that will be used for transactional emails.
  2. Map the respective email templates for Email Opt-in Message and Inbound Email Message.
  3. Select the Email Consent checkbox if applicable.
  4. Enter the IB Email Setting.

For more information, see Services: Settings Tab.

5.Configure > Contacts > Contacts > Channels tab

Confirm that contacts' channel settings allow email campaigns and email consent.

For more information, see Contact Field Descriptions vU15.

6. Configure > Contacts > Contacts > DNC > E-mail tab

Confirm if contacts' DNC settings allow email campaigns.

For more information, see Dial-Time Phone DNC - E-mail Tab.

7.Configure > Contacts > Contacts

Configure email campaigns for mass emails.

For more information, see Copy of Making a Campaign.

8.Configure > Agents > Agents 

Configure agent settings for mass inbound and transactional emails.

For more information, see Creating Agent Profile.

9. Configure > Agents > Agent Desktop

Map message templates to the agent desktop for transactional emails.

For more information, see Agent Desktop - Messagebook Tab.

Using the Carbon Copy (CC), Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), Reply All, and Forward Options

To maintain effective customer care email conversations, you can use the Carbon Copy (CC), Blind Carbon Copy (BCC), Reply All, and Forward features in email. The BCC option is available in the campaign settings for email campaigns. These functionalities enable you to include multiple recipients and efficiently reply to all relevant parties. The CC option is also included in the email system in the Contact Center CRM application. 

You can receive notifications when an email is opened or clicked. However, if the Bounce or an Unsubscribe option is clicked, only the specific email address related to the event is added to the Do Not Contact (DNC) list. This functionality provides comprehensive tools for effective customer care and reporting while ensuring compliance with email bounce and unsubscribe requests.

You configure the BCC option in the Settings tab in the Services option. You can add up to ten email IDs to the BCC list in the Settings tab. For more information on adding recipients to the BCC list see, the Client Editor. - Settings Tab vLV23

Adding Recipients to the BCC Address

To add recipients to the BCC Address list:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Services > Client
    The Client window appears.
  2. Click the Settings tab and scroll down to the Email Settings section.

  3. Add the email addresses to the BCC Address text box and Click Save.

    You can add up to ten email IDs to the BCC list.

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