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Building a campaign will take the file that was uploaded to the LiveVox server and load it into a table so that it is ready to be dialed. After the build process has completed, the campaign is ready for dialing.

  • If a campaign has not been built and is not ready to dial, the Play State column will display a gray star.


  • The Campaign Control columns available in the Campaigns page, the Service pages, and the Campaigns tabs within Configure > Client/Service, contain a wrench icon that can be used to "prebuild" the selected campaign:

  • You can also "prebuild" a campaign using the Build button from the Campaign Details screen. Double click on the campaign to view the Campaign Details window and then click the Build button.

For more information on campaign details see Campaign Controls within Site and Service Management.

  • Upon clicking the wrench icon or the Build button a spinning gray loading icon will appear in the Play State column while the build process is underway.
  • When a campaign is prebuilt and ready to play, the Play State column will display a blue star icon.

  • "Prebuild" will allow you to see how many accounts are available but will not start dialing until you select "Play".
  • You can have campaigns build and immediately play by clicking the "Play" icon within Campaign Control columns or the Play button from Campaign Details.
  • "Play" will build the campaign and, if agents are available and there are accounts allowed to dial based on your Dialing Profile, dialing will begin.
  • The phone receiver icon indicates that calls are being made.