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Adding a Contact

To add a contact:

  1. In the Contacts window, on the Contacts tab, click Add.
    The Contact window displaying the following tabs appears:
    • General
    • Channels
    • Contact Details
    • Encrypted Fields (if applicable)
    • Notes
    • Scheduled Callback

  2. Specify values in the fields as required.

    For information about the fields, see Contact Field Descriptions.

  3. Click Save.
    The contact is added, and it appears in the table on the Contacts tab.

Viewing or Modifying a Contact

To view or modify a contact:

  1. In the Contacts window, on the Contacts tab, double-click the row containing the contact that you want to view or modify.
    The Contact window displaying the following tabs appears.

    For more information about the fields on the tabs, see Contact Field Descriptions.


    General information about the contact.


    Information about the available channels and permissions for the contact.

    Contact Details

    Additional information about the contact.

    Encrypted Fields (if applicable)

    Encrypted information about the contact.


    Notes that are added by agents and their managers, in a table containing the following columns:

    • Create Date: Date and time when the note was added
    • Modify Date: Date and time when the note was last modified
    • Note


    Details about the previous attempts made to reach the contact and the outcome, in a table containing the following columns:

    You can customize the table (for example, add more columns) on the Interactions tab. For more information, see the Customizing a Table section.

    Scheduled Callback

    Callbacks scheduled for the contact.

    • You can filter the scheduled callbacks.
    • You can adjust and deactivate the scheduled callbacks. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Callbacks.
    • You can customize the table (for example, add more columns) on the Scheduled Callback tab. For more information, see the Customizing a Table section.
    • The Contact window also contains the following information:
      • Date and time when the contact was created
      • Date and time when the contact was last modified
      • Date and time when the contact was first used in a campaign
      • Date and time when the contact was last used in a campaign
    • You can use the Previous and Next buttons to view the previous contact and the next contact, respectively.
  2. As required, modify the values in the fields/columns on the following tabs:

    • General

    • Channels
    • Contact Details
    • Encrypted Fields (if applicable)

      For information about the fields, see the Contact Field Descriptions section.

  3. To add a note, which is used to provide a better understanding of the status of an account and/or any actions taken by the agents on an account:

    After you add a note, you cannot modify or delete it.

    1. On the Notes tab, click Add.
      The Note window appears.

    2. In the Note field, enter your note, and then click Save.
      The note is added, and it appears in the table on the Notes tab. 

      Agents can view your note on their desktop if the Notes Enabled checkbox is selected on the General tab in their Agent Desktop window. This window appears when you click Agents > Agent Desktop on the Configure tab of the LiveVox Portal (LVP).

  4. Click Save.

    The contact is modified.

Deleting Contacts

To delete contacts:

  1. In the Contacts window, on the Contacts tab, select the row containing the contacts that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
    The Confirm window appears.
  3. Click OK.
    The contacts are deleted.
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