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The Scheduled Callback (SCB) editor allows you to view and edit future callbacks scheduled by agents. You can view all the callback records including those scheduled by agents through the Agent Desktop as well as those scheduled through the IVR. You can also modify the schedule of the present-day's missed scheduled callback records. Expand below to learn about the options available to search and adjust the scheduled callback records.

The Search By field allows you to search for a specific callback by selecting a search option from the drop-down menu in the upper left of Scheduled Callback editor and filter further by entering the value for the selected option. The default search filter is set to Today's date. The following fields are available for search:

  • Date - Select the date for which you want to search a callback.
  • Agent - Enter Agent ID or agent name in the value field to search for records specific to an agent.
  • Account - Enter the account number in the value field to search for records specific to an account.
  • Phone_Number - Enter the phone number in the value field to search for records specific to a phone number.
  • Service - Enter the Service ID in the value field to search for records specific to a service.

The scheduled callback grid displays the details of all the callbacks that are scheduled. You can customize the fields that are displayed within the scheduled callback grid. Click the cog icon in the upper right of the panel to bring up the Customize Scheduled Callback Grid screen. The following fields and buttons are presented in the Scheduled Callback Grid:

  • ID - Unique ID of the record
  • Phone Number - Displays the phone number of the contact
  • Account - Account number of the contact
  • First Name - First name of the contact
  • Last Name - Last name of the contact
  • Service - Displays the service on which the callback is scheduled
  • Scheduled Date - Displays the scheduled date of the callback
  • Agent - Agent assigned for the callback
  • Scheduled Callbacks created via the IVR will not have an agent assigned.
  • Records with an agent showing as N/A indicate that an agent was assigned but then removed.
  • Status - Displays the status of the scheduled callback records. The below table shows state details:

    SCB StateDefinitionAbility To Modify SCB State
    CREATEDThe system has not picked up this SCB record (No status yet).Yes
    PICKEDThe system picked it up and has not been assigned to an agent. The record is in memory waiting for the agent to become ready for the SCB  so the record can be assigned to the agent.Yes
    ASSIGNEDThe system picked up the record and has assigned it to an agent and being previewed on the desktop.  The agent can dial, skip, or do nothing.No
    LAUNCHEDThe agent has dialed the record by selecting the dial button.No
    RESTRICTEDAgent dialed the record. The system attempted to pick the record although it could not be dialed (like Time zone is not active, Queue policy, Dialing profile, Dialing Window not open, or other technical issues).No

    The agent selected 'SKIP' or the record gets skipped after Preview Dial Timeout expires. But the record is still in the memory and will be changed back to PICKED status.
    TFH Result: 'Scheduled Callback - Agent Skipped (Not Made) (1151)'

    NO_AGENTNo resource available till the end of a business day. Like, no agent available into the service. No
    FAILEDAll other errors (technical or otherwise).No
  • Active - Displays if the scheduled callback record is Active or Inactive
  • Created By - Displays the ID of the resource that created the record
  • Created On - Date and time the record was created

You can change the order of the scheduled callback fields. 

  • Move up – Moves selected field up one space
  • Move down – Moves selected field down one space

The Sort Order field allows you to set the sort order of the scheduled callback records.

The Scheduled Callback details screen allows you to adjust the schedule of the record.

  1. Select the scheduled callback record to be edited. Double click the record to view the Scheduled Callbacks details screen.
  2. Update the values for the following fields:
    1. Enter the preferred date in the Scheduled Date field or choose using the calendar button to update the date for the scheduled callback record.
    2. Select the link next to the Agent field to search for and assign a new agent for the callback.
    3. Adjust the Scheduled Time from the drop-down.

  3. Click the Save button.

  • You cannot adjust a scheduled callback record that is scheduled via the IVR.
  • You can only modify the schedule of the callback records with Created or Picked status.

You can cancel a scheduled callback as long as it is not queued up for dialing.

  1. Select the scheduled callback record you want to cancel.
  2. Double click the record to view the Scheduled Callbacks details screen.
  3. Click the Deactivate button to cancel the callback.
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