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The Customer Care - Calls dashboard displays the analytics data of specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of inbound and outbound calls. You can use the advanced search option to filter the data related to KPIs. The KPIs are also presented as charts and you can create customized insights by using the charts.

Filtering Data

You can filter the data by using different parameters and view insights according to your selection.

To filter data:

  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click Customer Care - Calls.
  2. Filter the data by using the following filters:



    Date RangeDate range to filter KPIs.
    Transaction TypeWhether the call is inbound or outbound.
    Call Center NameName of the call center to which the agent belongs.
    Service NameName of the service assigned to the agent.
    Agent Team NameName of the agent team.
    Agent NameName of the agent.

After you filter the data, the KPIs on the dashboard reflect the selected filter criteria.

Viewing KPIs

KPIs allow you to analyze inbound and outbound calls. You can set alerts for KPIs so that an email is triggered when the KPI reaches the specified limit.

To view KPIs and set alert for KPIs:

  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click Customer Care - Calls.
  2. View the following KPIs on the dashboard:



    Total Inbound CallsThe number of total inbound calls for the specified filter criteria.
    % Inbound Abandoned

    Percentage of the inbound calls that were abandoned.

    Calculated by using the formula: Total Calls Abandoned (Inbound) / Total Inbound Calls

    Service Level%

    Percentage of calls transferred to agents within 20 seconds.

    You can customize this based on your SLA definition.

    Average Speed of Answer


    The average time taken by an agent to answer a call after the customer is placed in the queue. 

    Average Handle Time


    The average duration of an interaction with a customer.
    First Call Resolution
    (3 Day Repeat)

    The percentage of inbound calls when the resolution was provided in the first attempt itself and the customer did not make repeated calls for the same issue in the next 3 days.

    This can be customized based on your SLA definition.

  3. If you want to set an alert for a KPI, click the bell icon  on the KPI.
  4. Specify when do you want to receive the alert and then click Set Alert.

Exploring Insights

The dashboard displays hourly insights, insights related to trends, and insights related to outcomes. The Customer Care - Calls dashboard displays the following insights:

Inbound Calls by HourDisplays insights for inbound calls.
ASA and AHT by HourDisplays insights for the average speed of answer and average handle time by an hour.
Call Abandon % TrendDisplays insights for the percentage of calls that were not answered by agents.
ASA and AHT TrendDisplays insights for the average speed of the answer and average handle time trend.
First Call Resolution (3 Day) TrendDisplays insights about the percentage of inbound calls when the resolution was provided in the first attempt itself and the customer did not make repeated calls for the same issue in the next 3 days. 
Operator Transfers and Handle Time by OutcomeDisplays insights about the calls that were transferred to agents and the time taken by agents to handle the calls. 
Average Handle Time by OutcomeDisplays average handle time of calls corresponding to agent desktops. 

To view further details of the insights by using measures and attributes available in the insight: 

  1. On the insight, click the ellipsis icon () and then click Explore from here.
  2. An untitled insight opens.
  3. Customize the insight by dragging and dropping measures and attributes from the data zones.

    • For more information about creating and customizing insights, see Create insights.
    • For more information about different types of insights, see Insight types.
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