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If you frequently search for information using the same search criteria, you can save your search or filter criteria for future use. A saved search or a saved filter refers to the saved search criteria.

You can save a filter in the Performance Dashboard window. The Saved Searches window displays all the saved filters that you have created in the Performance Dashboard window.

  • To see a list of only the active search filters, click the Active Only check box.
  • To search for a saved filter using the name of the filter, click and type the name of the filter in the Search field.

To modify a saved search:

  1. Select the search you want to modify and click or double-click the search you want to modify. The details window is displayed.
  2. In the Settings tab:
    1. Specify the Name.
    2. Use the Active toggle button to make the search active or inactive.
  3. In the Parameters tab, select the necessary parameters from the options listed.
  4. In the Permissions tab:
  5. Under View Permissions, select either All, Only me, or Specific users.
    If you select Specific users, select users from the Available column and move to the Selected column.
  6. Under Edit Permissionsselect either All, Only me, or Specific users.
    If you select Specific users, select users from the Available column and move to the Selected column.
  7. Click .

    The History tab provides details of all the saved searches such as Name, Created By, Created Date, and Description.

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