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This section covers the termination codes (or disposition codes) assigned to each individual service.  This allows specific services or groups of services to have unique term code options for different books of business or clients to capture the exact information wanted. The following items are reviewed in this section:

To view the termination codes currently assigned:

  1. Select the Call Center then Service from the drop downs.
  2. The list of termination codes and their details will be displayed. These details include:
  • Code Name - What is displayed to agents.
  • Category - Used to group together similar term codes on the agent desktop.
  • Result - Internal result mapping which LiveVox can associate with the user code. Adjusting may impact CDR reporting.
  • Action URL - Disconnects call or leaves a message after the term code is selected.
  • Screen Order - Currently disabled, term codes are displayed in alphabetical order within their category section.
  • Report Order - The order the term codes will show on the CDR (scroll right to view this column). Leave as default, or assign a value between 1- 126.
  • Immediate Callback - When checked,  allows agents to do immediate callbacks after selecting the termination code.
  • Visible for Agent - When checked, allows agents to view termination codes in the agent panel.

To add, remove or modify termination codes, first select the call center and service whose termination codes will be adjusted. Unattended or Message Only services do not need termination codes. Data columns provide information for each code name.

  • Code Name - What is displayed to agents.
  • Category Name - Used to group together similar term codes on the agent screen pop.
  • Result - Internal result mapping which LiveVox can associate with the user code. Adjusting may impact CDR reporting.
  • Action - Disconnects call or leaves a message after the term code is selected.
  • Screen Order - Currently disabled, term codes are displayed in alphabetical order within their category section.
  • Report Order - The order the term codes will show on the CDR (scroll right to view this column). Leave as default, or assign a value between 1- 126.
  • Immediate Callback - Allows agents to do immediate callbacks after selecting the termination code.
  • Visible for Agent - Allows agents to view termination codes in the agent panel.

To adjust a term code, select the code which you wish to change by double clicking the termination code row; or Remove to delete the code from the list.

  1. Select Add to create a new termination code.
  2. All Termination Code attributes can be adjusted. Make your changes and click the Ok button.
  3. Click the Save button to add the new termination code.
  4. Select Cancel to the discard changes.

Some changes to term codes may require additional configuration.

  • A new term code may also require assigning a "reporting outcome" that matches your system.  Navigate to the Reporting Outcomes Mapper for further details.
  • Assigning auto-DNC functionality to a term code requires back end work by LiveVox. Please e-mail for details.
  1. Select Edit Category to view existing Category Id and Category Name (Termination Category screen). Double clicking the category name allows to change it.
  2. Select Add to create a new category name.
  3. Select the category name you wish to remove and click Remove.
  4. Make your changes and click Save or Close to exit.

To copy existing termination codes to another service:

  1. Select the call center and service where you will be copying the termination codes to. Unattended or Message Only services do not need termination codes.
  2. Termination codes can only be copied into a service that does not have any term codes.

To select all codes click on the top code, scroll to the bottom of the list, hold shift, and select the last code.

  1. With a blank canvas choose the Copy from Service button. A screen will appear asking where to copy from.
  2. Select the Service to copy from and click Copy.
  3. A "Copy Operation Successful" message will appear and the codes will migrate in.
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