The Search and Score window displays the list of all the interactions that are recorded and sent to U-QM. You can select an interaction from the list to access and evaluate the recordings.
- The Search and Score window populates all recorded interactions received by U-QM, irrespective of the processing status.
- All processed interactions are assigned a unique identifier number (UUID).
- To modify the interaction processing settings, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.
Saved Search
If you frequently search for a recording by using the same search criteria, you can save your search criteria for future use. A 'Saved Search' refers to the saved search criteria.
Reprocessing Auto Scoring
The auto-scoring functionality is dependent on the criteria set for processing an interaction, the level of processing selected, and the status enabled as per your requirement. For example, if an auto scorecard is set at a global level and is in the Active status, the auto-scorecard will run through all interactions.
To reprocess the autoscoring of the displayed set of interactions:
- Click Reprocess. The Reprocess popup window appears.
- If you want to redo the auto-scoring process of all the interactions, select the Requeue For Auto Scoring checkbox.
- Click Accept.
The selected interaction is scheduled for reprocessing.
When an auto-scoring job runs, U-QM does not evaluate all the auto scorecards. Auto scorecards have filters and only the interactions that meet the criteria for the scorecard get evaluated.
Reviewing and Manual Scoring
To review a recorded interaction or perform manual scoring, double-click the interaction that you want to review.