Page tree

The Interaction Intents are the most possible intentions of the customer to initiate a call. The interaction drivers primarily analyze the keywords to identify the call intents. 

The Interaction Intents report displays the interaction intents generated by the system by using the configured keyword lists. 

  • Interaction intents are generated only for inbound calls.
  • A single call can have multiple intents.

Report Data Descriptions


The widget displays:

Total Calls

Total number of calls for the selected date range or other filters.

Total Intents

Total number of intents/sub-drivers across all calls (can be more than one per call).

Total Self-Serviceable Intents

Total number of intents the caller could resolve online.

Total Calls Without Intents

Total number of calls in which no intent or sub-driver keywords were found.
Top 5 Self Serviceable Interaction Intents

The table displays the list of the interaction intents with the highest percentage of intents for all interactions.

Top 100 Interaction Intents Breakdown (%)

The graph displays the most used 100 interaction intents and the percentage of the usage of the intent. Hover over the bars to see the intent and the actual percentage.

Interaction Intents

Select an interaction intent from the drop-down list. A table appears, displaying the keyword list and the other data related to the selected intent.

Each intent is only counted once per interaction.

Call IntentName of the Sub-Driver (keyword list).
Total IntentsTotal number of the intent found in all calls.
% of Interaction IntentsPercentage of the usage of the intent against all interaction intents.
% of Total CallsPercentage of the usage of the intent in all calls.
Self-ServiceableWhether the interaction intents can be resolved online or not.

Generating the Report

  1. Click the Advanced Search icon.
    The  Search window appears.
  2. As required, specify values in the fields and sections.




    Communication channels (chat, email, SMS, or voice) for which you want to access the report or the recorded interactions. 

    You can select multiple channels.

    Date Selector

    Time period (either a date range or a custom period) for the report or recordings.

    DurationMinimum and maximum duration of calls (in seconds) for the report or recordings.
    Phone Numbers

    Phone numbers of inbound or outbound interaction. You can specify multiple numbers by pressing Enter after entering each number in the text box.


    Agents who performed the interaction.

    • To add agents, in the Available section, select their names, and then click To remove agents, in the Selected section, select their names, and then click .
    • You can filter the names in the sections by using the Filter by name box.
    • You can revert your changes by clicking .
    Agent Teams

    Agent teams to which the interaction belongs. 


    Keywords used by agents or customers.

    • To add a keyword, in the Keyword List field, select the keyword. If you want to specify your own keyword, in the Keyword field, enter the keyword, and then press Enter or click  . 
    • If you want the order of the keywords in the report to match the order of the keywords in the table, select the Exact Order checkbox.
    • You can customize the table by using the arrow next to a column heading.  
    • You can delete a keyword by hovering over it in the table and then clicking .
    Interaction UUIDs

    Interaction UUIDs (identifiers for recordings) that are applicable for the interactions. You can specify multiple interaction UUIDs by pressing Enter after entering each UUID in the text box.

    Interaction Intent UUIDs

    Interaction intent UUIDs that are applicable for the interactions. You can specify multiple interaction intent UUIDs by pressing Enter after entering each UUID in the text box.

    Interaction Intent Types

    Interaction intent types that are applicable for the interactions.


    Skills assigned to the agents.

    Call Centers

    Call centers that are applicable for the interactions.


    Services that are applicable for the interactions.


    Assessors that are applicable for the interactions.


    Scorecards that are applicable for the interactions.

    Scorecard Grades

    Scorecard grades that are applicable for the interactions.


    Metadata that are available for the interactions. 

    • To add metadata, in the Select Metadata field, select the metadata, and then, in the Possible Values cell, enter a value for the metadata.
    • You can customize the table by using the arrow next to a column heading. 
    • You can delete a keyword by hovering over it in the table and then clicking .
    Silence Percentage

    Minimum and maximum duration of silence in calls (in percentage).

    Talk Over PercentageMinimum and maximum duration of talk in calls (in percentage).

    The sentiment (positive, neutral, or negative) of customers, agents, or both.


    Tags that are applicable for the interactions.

    Trusted PartnersThe clients that are identified as trusted partners on the Trusted Partners tab under Client Editor in LiveVox Portal. 
  3. Click Apply.

You can customize the displayed report table as follows.

Display or hide certain columns in the table.
  1. Click the arrow next to any column heading, and then click the Columns option
  2. If you want to display certain columns in the table, select the checkboxes next to their names.
  3. If you want to hide certain columns in the table, clear the checkboxes next to their names.
Sort the values in a column in ascending or descending order.Click the column heading once or twice as required. Alternatively, you can click the arrow next to the column heading, and then select the Sort Ascending or  Sort Descending option.
Filter the statistics based on a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then use the Filters option. 
Lock or unlock a column.Click the arrow next to the column heading, and then click the Lock or Unlock option.

To refresh the data in the table, click the Refresh icon.

Saved Search

If you frequently search for a report by using the same search criteria, you can save your search criteria for future use. A 'Saved Search' refers to the saved search criteria.

  1. Click the Advanced Search icon.
    The  Search window appears.
  2. As required, specify values in the fields and sections.

  3. Click Save.
    The Save Search window appears.

  4. In the Name field, specify a name with which you identify the search, and then click Save.

You can modify a saved search by first accessing the saved search and then clicking the Advanced Search icon.

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