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You can add your own dashboards if the insights you want to explore are not present in the standard dashboards. An insight represents the analytical view of your data. You can build insights from measures, attributes, and filters.
If there is a metric or report or statistic that is not available on the standard dashboards, you can define this information (insight) and create a dashboard that contains that insight. 

When you create a dashboard, you can define your own Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the dashboard.

Creating a dashboard involves the following steps:

Adding an Insight

Adding insights allows you to add measures and attributes to support the insight.

To create an insight:

  1. Go to the Analytics tab and click Add Dashboards
    An untitled dashboard appears. 
  2. In the Untitled field, enter a name for the dashboard.
  3. From the Drag to add pane, drag the insight and drop it in the right pane.
  4. Add the insight using one of the following methods:

    • Drag and drop a new insight from the New Item section in the left pane. An untitled insight page appears.

      1. Drag and drop insights according to the measures you want to view on the dashboard and click Save.
    • Drag and drop an existing insight from the Saved Insights section in the left pane. An untitled insight page appears.
      1. Click Edit.
      2. Drag and drop an existing insight from the Saved Insights section in the left pane. An untitled insight page appears.
  5. In the Untitled insight window, drag and drop the measures and attributes you want to see on the insight.
  6. Click Save.
    The dashboard main page is displayed and you can add KPIs to the dashboard.

Adding KPIs

You can add KPIs to your insight.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have added the insight.

To add KPIs:

  1. On the dashboard main page, drag and drop the KPI indicator icon:  
  2. On the Configuration dialog box, select a KPI.
  3. Enter a name and description for the KPI.
  4. To add more than one KPI, repeat the procedure.
  5. Click Save & Publish.

Adding Filters

You can add filters to view KPIs for a specific period.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have added an insight and KPIs.

To add filters:

  1. Click Edit on the dashboard.
  2. Drag and drop the attribute filters by which you want to filter the data on the dashboard.
  3. After adding the required insights, KPIs, and attributes, click Save & Publish.
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