Page tree

To create a contact:

  1. On the Contacts tab, click Add.
    The Contact window displaying the following tabs appears:
    • General
    • Channels
    • Contact Details
    • Encrypted Fields (if applicable)
    • Notes
    • Interactions
    • Scheduled Callback

  2. Specify values in the fields as required.

  3. Click Save.
    A message stating that the contact is added appears. The contact appears in the table on the Contacts tab.

This section describes the fields and columns that appear on the various tabs of a contact record (that is, in the Contact window).

General Tab




Account number of the customer.

  • This field can contain an alphanumeric value.
  • Do not enter a space or a special character in the field.
Account To SpeakAccount number of the customer that is used for calling or messaging.
Original Account NumberAlternate account number, which is different from the unique account identifier that is within your platform.
SalutationSalutation to address the customer.
First NameFirst name of the customer.
Last NameLast name of the customer.
Guarantor First NameFirst name of the guarantor of the customer.
Guarantor Last NameLast name of the guarantor of the customer.
DOBDate of birth of the customer.
B Active

Indicates if the customer is available for calling or messaging.

This checkbox is selected by default. You can, however, clear the checkbox.

SSNSocial security number of the customer.
DepartmentDepartment of the customer.
DescriptionDescription of the contact.
TitleTitle of the customer.
Contact InformationAddress 1Primary address of the customer.
Address 2Secondary address of the customer.
CityCity of the primary address.
StateState of the primary address.
Zip/Postal CodeZIP Code or postal code of the primary address.
CountryCountry of the primary address.
Other InformationPayment BalancePayment balance of the customer.
Amount To SpeakAmount required from the customer.
Account Due DatePayment due date for the customer.

Contact group assigned to the customer.

Contact Ownership


Agent assigned to the customer.

You can create campaigns based on contact ownership.

Agent TeamAgent team assigned to the customer.

Channels Tab

All ChannelsDo Not ContactIndicates if the customer is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list permanently—that is, the customer cannot be contacted through any channel permanently.
Do Not Contact TodayIndicates if the customer is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list for the current day—that is, the customer cannot be contacted through any channel for the current day.
SMSIndicates if the SMS campaign is enabled for the customer.
EmailIndicates if the email campaign is enabled for the customer.
Total Attempts Today

Number of calls attempted on all phone numbers of the customer on the current day.

This field is disabled.

Total Attempts Lifetime

Number of calls attempted on all phone numbers of the customer until the current day.

This field is disabled.

Phone Numbers


Type of phone number for the customer. For example, the type Phone 1 indicates the first position for a phone number. Similarly, Phone 10 indicates the tenth position for a phone number.

  • You can add up to 10 phone numbers for a customer.
  • To specify the attributes of a phone number in the table, double-click the row containing the phone number.
Phone NumberPhone number for the corresponding type (that is, in the corresponding position).
Attempts TodayNumber of calls attempted on the phone number on the current day.
Attempts LifetimeNumber of calls attempted on the phone number until the current day.
Do Not Contact

Indicates if the phone number is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list permanently.

For information about the DNC list, see Do Not Call (DNC) Tools.

Do Not Contact Today

Indicates if the phone number is added to the Do Not Call (DNC) list only for the current day.

SMS Consent

Indicates if SMS messages are permitted to be sent to the phone number.

  • If the customer responds to an SMS message sent to the corresponding phone number with a pre-configured opt-out keyword, this checkbox is automatically cleared for the number, indicating that SMS messages are no longer permitted to be sent to that number.
  • If the customer responds to an SMS message sent to the corresponding phone number with a pre-configured opt-in keyword, this checkbox is automatically selected for the number.
Cell Consent

Indicates if calls are permitted to be made to the phone number.

Email AddressEmail address of the customer.
Email Consent

Indicates if emails are permitted to be sent to the specified email address of the customer.

  • If the customer manually unsubscribes from an email, or if the email address is removed from the Email Address field, this checkbox is automatically cleared, indicating that emails are no longer permitted to be sent to the email address.
  • If the customer manually subscribes to an email, this checkbox is automatically selected.

Contact Details Tab


Custom field to store additional information about the customer.


Value for the corresponding custom field.

To specify a value for a custom field in the table, double-click the row displaying the name of the field.

Encrypted Fields Tab


Custom encrypted fields to store encrypted information about the customer.

Custom encrypted fields, including their attributes, are defined in the Fields window, which appears when you click SystemFields on the Configure tab. 


Value for the corresponding custom encrypted field.

To specify a value for a custom encrypted field in the table, double-click the row displaying the name of the field.

Interactions Tab



Icon to access an interaction (that is, to listen to a call or to view a chat, email, or SMS thread).

When viewing a thread, you can view and download the attachments in the thread.

Call CenterCall center associated with the interaction.
ServiceService associated with the interaction.
NameFirst name of the customer associated with the interaction.
Original Account NumberAccount number associated with the interaction.
PhonePhone number associated with the interaction.
AgentName of the agent involved in the interaction.
DateDay and date when the interaction occurred.
StartStart time of the interaction.
EndEnd time of the interaction.
CampaignCampaign associated with the interaction.
Caller ID#Caller ID associated with the interaction.
OutcomeOutcome of the interaction.

Scheduled Callback Tab

IDID of the scheduled callback.
Phone NumberPhone number to be dialed for the scheduled callback.
AccountAccount associated with the phone number for which a callback is scheduled.
First NameFirst name of the agent who scheduled the callback.
Last NameLast name of the agent who scheduled the callback.

Service associated with the scheduled callback.

Callback Date/TimeScheduled date and time of the callback.
AgentName of the agent responsible for the callback.
StatusStatus of the callback.
ActiveIndicates if the callback is active.
Created ByID of the user who created the callback.
Created OnDate and time when the callback was created.

To view or modify a contact:

  1. On the Contacts tab, double-click the row displaying the contact that you want to modify.
    The Contact window displaying the following tabs appears.

    GeneralGeneral information about the contact.
    ChannelsInformation about the available channels and permissions for the contact.
    Contact DetailsAdditional information about the contact.
    Encrypted Fields (if applicable)Encrypted information about the contact.


    Notes could provide more information about the status of an account and/or the actions taken by the agents on an account. For a contact, you can view the latest 5000 notes (based on the modification date) added by agents and LVP users. The table displays the following columns:

    • Create Date: Date and time when the note was added.
    • Modify Date: Date and time when the note was last modified.
    • Note


    Details about the previous attempts made to reach the contact and the outcome.

    You can customize the table on this tab (for example, display more columns) by using the gear icon the Customize Columns icon

    Scheduled Callback

    Callbacks scheduled for the contact.

    • You can filter the scheduled callbacks by using the Search By field.
    • You can customize the table on this tab (for example, display more columns) by using the gear icon the Customize Columns icon
  2. Modify the values in the fields as required.

    • You can add a note for the contact by using the Add button on the Notes tab. After you add a note, you cannot modify or delete it.
    • On the Scheduled Callback tab, you can modify and deactivate the scheduled callbacks. 

    Agents can view your note on their Agent Desktop if the Notes Enabled checkbox is selected on the General tab in their Agent Desktop window. This window appears when you click Agents Agent Desktop on the Configure tab of LVP.

  3. Click Save.
    Your changes are saved.

To delete a contact:

  1. On the Contacts tab, hover over the row displaying the contact that you want to delete, and then click the close icon delete icon.
    The Confirm window appears.

  2. Click OK.
    The contact is deleted.

You can display or hide certain columns in the table or modify the order of the columns in the table on the following tabs:

  • Contacts (appears in the Contacts window, when accessing Contact Manager)
  • Interactions (appears in the Contact window, when viewing a contact)
  • Scheduled Callback (appears in the Contact window, when viewing a contact)

To customize a table:

  1. Click the gear icon the Customize Columns icon.
    The Customize Contact Grid or Customize Columns window appears.
  2. If you want to display certain columns in the table, select the checkbox next to the names of those columns. 
  3. If you want to hide certain columns in the table, clear the checkbox next to the names of those columns. 
  4. If you want to modify the order of a column in the table, select the row displaying the column, and then, as required, click the up arrow icon up arrow icon or the down arrow icon down arrow icon.
  5. If you want to sort the records in the table on the Interactions or Scheduled Callback tab in ascending or descending order, in the Sort Order field, select the name of the column by which you want to sort the records, and then, as required, select or clear the Ascending checkbox.
  6. Click Ok.
    The table is customized.

You can filter the contacts in Contact Manager based on all system and custom fields of a contact record. To do so:

  1. On the Contacts tab, in the Search field, select the field by which you want to filter the contacts.
  2. In the second box next to the Search field, select the search condition.

  3. If applicable, in the remaining boxes next to the Search field, specify the search condition or value.

    For certain search conditions (for example, Agent Not In), the ellipsis iconellipsis iconappears next to the box to enable you to specify the criteria.

  4. Press Enter or click the magnifying glass icon magnifying glass icon.
    The contacts that meet the specified filter criteria appear on the Contacts tab.

You can see all contacts by selecting All in the first box next to the Search option and then clicking the magnifying glass icon magnifying glass icon.

You can filter the contacts in Contact Manager based on advanced criteria by creating a filter. These filters can also be used to create campaigns and export contacts.

To create a filter for an advanced search:

  1. On the Contacts tab, click the Advanced Search option.
    The Advanced Search window displaying the General and Sort Columns tabs appears.
  2. Click Add Filter.
    On the General tab, a circle representing the and logical operator appears.
  3. Hover over the circle.
    An arrow appears on the circle.
  4. Drag the arrow to where you want.
    The Add Rule window appears.
  5. If you want to specify a condition for the filter:
    1. In the Condition section, in the Field field, select a field for the condition.
    2. In the Comparison field, select a relational operator for the condition.

      Depending on the field that you selected for the condition in the Field field, the Comparison field contains the Regex operator, which you can use to specify a regular expression. Regular expressions are extremely useful in extracting information by searching for one or more matches of a specific search pattern (that is, a specific sequence of ASCII or unicode characters).

    3. If applicable, in the Value field, enter a value for the condition.

      • For certain search conditions (for example, Agent Team In), the ellipsis iconellipsis iconappears (instead of the Value field) to enable you to specify the criteria.
      • The Description section displays a description of the specified condition.
  6. If you want to specify a logical operator for the filter:
    1. In the Rule section, in the Logical Operator field, select a logical operator (for example, and or or).
    2. If you want to negate the selected logical operator, select the Not option.
  7. Click Ok.
    The filter appears as a graph on the General tab, where logical operators are represented by a circle and conditions are represented by a rectangle.

    • You can modify a rule or condition by double-clicking the circle or rectangle, respectively.
    • You can add more rules and conditions to develop the filter by using the arrow on the circles.
    • You can minimize or maximize the graph by using the magnifying glass icons (zoom out iconor zoom in icon).
    • You can delete a rule or condition in the filter on the graph by using the close icondelete icon, which appears when you hover over the circle or rectangle representing the rule or condition.
    • You can revert all your changes by using Reset Filter.
  8. If you want to define the sorting of the column values for the filter:

    Ensure that the Filter Name field displays the name of the filter for which you want to define the sorting.

    1. On the Sort Columns tab, click Add.
      The Add Field window appears.
    2. In the Field field, select the name of the column for whose values you want to define the sorting.
    3. Select one of the following options:
      1. ASC: Sorts the values in the column in ascending order
      2. DESC: Sorts the values in the column in descending order
    4. Click OK.
      The name of the column appears in the Sort By column on the Sort Columns tab. The sorting order of its values appears in the Sort Order column as ascending sort order icon(ascending) or descending sort order icon(descending).

      You can define the sorting for more columns by using Add.

    5. To modify the order of a column, select the row displaying the name of the column, and then, as required, click the up arrow icon up arrow iconor the down arrow icon down arrow icon

      • You can modify a row by double-clicking the row.
      • You can delete a row by using the close icon delete icon, which appears when you hover over the row.
  9. Click Save Filter.
    The Add Filter window appears.
  10. In the Name field, enter a name for the filter, and then click Save Filter.
    The filter is created, and it appears as an option in the Filter Name field in the Advanced Search window.

    You can add more filters by using Add Filter.

These filters are stored in your browser and are therefore available only until you clear your browser cookies.

Before performing an advanced search, ensure that you have created and saved a filter.

To perform an advanced search on the Contacts tab:

  1. On the Contacts tab, click the Advanced Search option.
    The Advanced Search window appears.
  2. In the Filter Name field, select the filter based on which you want to perform an advanced search.

  3. Click Search.
    The contacts that meet the filter criteria appear on the Contacts tab. 

You can see all contacts by clicking the close iconclose iconnext to the filter that appears above the table.

To delete a filter:

  1. On the Configure tab, click Contacts > Contacts.
    The Contacts window appears.
  2. On the Contacts tab, click the Advanced Search option.
    The Advanced Search window displaying the General and Sort Columns tabs appears.
  3. In the Filter Name field, select the filter that you want to delete.

    The next step deletes the filter without prompting for your confirmation.

  4. Click Delete Filter.

    The filter is deleted.

You can create or modify a contact segmentation through the Segmentation window in Contact Manager. To access the Segmentation window through Contact Manager, on the Contacts tab, click the ellipsis iconellipsis icon.
The Segmentation window displaying a table of contact segmentation templates appears.

You can preview a contact segmentation through Contact Manager. To do so:

  1. On the Contacts tab, in the Segmentation Templates field, specify the segmentation template that you want to preview.

  2. Click Preview.
    The Segmentation Preview window displaying a preview of the segmentation, along with the count of contacts in each segment (grouping rule), appears. 

    If you want to view the segments that do not contain any contacts, select the Show Empty Segments checkbox.

You can modify multiple contacts together such that they contain the same value. To modify multiple contacts:

  1. If you want to modify the contacts that are associated with a filter, on the Contacts tab, by using the Search field or the Advanced Search option, run the filter.

  2. Click Bulk Change.
    The Bulk Change window appears.

    • The Filter field displays the run filter. If you did not run a filter, the All value appears in the field.
    • The Total Records field displays the total count of contacts in the filter.

  3. In the Category field, specify one of the following values: 
    • Change Status: Enables you to modify the status of the contacts in the filter to active or inactive.
    • Adjust Payment Balance: Enables you to modify the payment balance of the contacts in the filter.
    • Adjust Account Due Date: Enables you to modify the payment due date of the contacts in the filter.
    • Change Group: Enables you to modify the group assigned to the contacts in the filter.
    • Change Contact Ownership: Enables you to modify the agent ID and agent team assigned to the contacts in the filter.
    • Adjust Consent Fields: Enables you to modify the consent fields of the contacts in the filter.

    • Adjust Custom Fields: Enables you to modify the custom fields of the contacts in the filter.
    • Modify All Contact Fields: Enables you to modify most fields of the contacts in the filter.
    • Delete Contact Records: Enables you to delete all the contacts in the filter.
  4. If you specified a value other than Delete Contact Records in the Category field, select the slider bulk change icon next to the fields that you want to modify, and then modify the values. 
  5. Click Save.
    All the contacts in the filter are modified. If you had specified the Delete Contact Records value in the Category field, all the contacts in the filter are deleted.

You can reach a set of customer contacts by telephone or other means quickly through a campaign, which is a list of such contacts. Depending on the configuration, you can create the following types of the campaign through Contact Manager:

  • 10DMT
  • Email
  • HCI
  • HTI
  • Messaging
  • Outbound
  • SMS

To create a campaign through Contact Manager:

  1. If you want to create a campaign for the contacts associated with a filter, on the Contacts tab, by using the Search field or the Advanced Search option, run the filter.

  2. Click Make a campaign.
    The Create Campaign window appears.

    The Filter field displays the run filter. If you did not run a filter, the All value appears in the field.

  3. On the Basic tab, specify values in the following fields as required.

    Campaign TypeType of campaign (for example, EmailMessagingOutbound, or SMS).
    Campaign SubType

    Type of messaging (for example, WhatsApp).

    This field appears if the value in the Campaign Type field is Messaging.

    Campaign NameName for the campaign.

    Service for the campaign. You can search for a service by its name, type, call center, and preview mode by using the magnifying glass iconmagnifying glass icon.

    Operator Phone

    Number of the operator to whom calls are routed.

    This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is EmailMessaging, or SMS.

    Caller ID

    Number from which you want to call your customers. 

    If you want the caller ID associated with the contact group assigned to the contact to be used, specify the Contact Group value. This value also enables you to group agents in a single service or call center without the need to split the campaign.

    • If a contact is not assigned to the contact group, or if the contact group does not have a caller ID or callback number, the caller ID and callback number of the service (that is, the value you specified in the Service field) are considered.
    • The Caller ID field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is EmailMessaging, or SMS.
    • If the local caller ID feature is enabled, the default value in this field is [Local, rotated].
    Callback Phone

    Number that you want your customers to dial when they want to contact you. If you specified the Contact Group value in the Caller ID field, this field displays the Contact Group value by default.

    This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is EmailMessaging, or SMS.


    Voice for the campaign:

    • Bob (American Male)
    • Claudine (French Canadian Female)
    • Juanita (Spanish Female)
    • Julie (American Female)
    • Kate (British Female)
    • Lee (American Male)
    • Gisele (Portuguese Female)
    • Gruff F (American Female)
    • Gruff M (American Male)
    • Scarlet (South American Female)
    • This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is EmailMessaging, or SMS.
    • Depending on the configuration, only some voice options appear.
    AM Option

    Answering machine (AM) option for the campaign:

    • Don't Leave Messages
    • Leave Messages
    • Transfer all Connections
    • This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is EmailMessaging, or SMS.
    • Depending on the configuration, only some AM options appear.
    Dial Strategy

     Strategy for contacting the numbers in the campaign.

    This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is Email.


    Email address from which you want to send emails to your customers.

    This field appears if the value in the Campaign Type field is Email.

    Email Message

    Template to be used for the email message.

    This field appears if the value in the Campaign Type field is Email.


    Template to be used for the message.

    This field appears if the value in the Campaign Type field is Messaging or SMS.


    Communication mode for which you want to scrub the contact numbers in the campaign:

    • None: No phone number is scrubbed.
    • Wireless: Scrubs all wireless phone numbers so that all landline numbers are contacted.
    • Landline: Scrubs all landline numbers so that all wireless phone numbers are contacted.
    • Segmented Wireless: Enables you to use different contact strategies, based on the position of a phone number, to contact both landline and wireless numbers from the same campaign. This is achieved by shifting the wireless numbers to positions 16 through 30 of the phone number list of a contact. That is, all wireless numbers from positions 1 through 15 are scrubbed.
    • This field does not appear if the value in the Campaign Type field is Email.
    • The value in this field is the same as that in the Scrub field on the Settings tab of the selected service.
  4. On the Advanced tab, enable or disable the following checkboxes as required.

    Segmentation Template

    Criteria used to split the campaign into smaller campaigns (sub-campaigns). When you select this checkbox, a field appears for you to select a contact segmentation template.

    Segmentation is the process of dividing a campaign (parent) into campaign segments (sub-campaigns) based on certain criteria. If a contact in a campaign does not meet the criteria, the contact is included in the parent campaign. For more information about segmentation or how to create a segmentation template, see Segmentation.

    Exclude Parent SegmentationExcludes the parent campaign.
    Allow Append

    Appends the campaign to an active campaign (that is, a campaign that is playing).

    • This checkbox appears only if the Campaign Appends Allowed checkbox on the Settings tab of the client is selected.
    • To append a campaign to an active campaign, contact the LiveVox Customer Care Team.
    • A campaign API is required to append a campaign to an active campaign.
    • A campaign can be appended to an active campaign only if the former is built, played, or paused.
    On DemandManually controls the running of the campaign.

    Schedules the running of the campaign.

    When you select this checkbox, by default, the campaign is scheduled to start running immediately after it is uploaded (indicated by a selected ASAP checkbox) and stop running when one of the following criteria are met (indicated by a selected End of Day checkbox):

    • The contact window (based on compliance policies) ends.
    • When all the phone numbers in the campaign have been contacted.
    • When the campaign is manually stopped.

    If, however, you want the campaign to start and stop running at a specific time, clear those checkboxes, and then, in the Select Time fields, specify the start time and end time in hours and minutes.

    The start time and end time are represented in Eastern Time, in the 24-hour time format.

    If you want to run the campaign the next day, select the Next Day checkbox, and then, as required, specify values in the Start Time and End Time fields.

  5. Click Create.
    The campaign is created based on the filter criteria, and it appears in the Campaigns window. 

    The Campaigns window appears when you click Campaigns > Campaigns on the Configure tab.

You can export contacts from Contact Manager to a file on your computer. To do so:

  1. If you want to export the contacts associated with a filter, on the Contacts tab, by using the Search field or the Advanced Search option, run the filter.

  2. Click Export.
    The Export Contacts window appears.

    The Filter Name field displays the run filter. If you did not run a filter, the All value appears in the field.

  3. In the Export Format field, specify the format in which you want the contacts to be exported to a file.

  4. If you want to customize the file format:
    1. Click Customize Format.
      The Contact Columns window appears. The table in the window displays the names of the columns that will appear in the exported file, along with their position in the file (for example, position 1 indicates the first column in the file).

      You can modify the position for a column by double-clicking the row displaying the name of the column.

    2. In the File Format field, specify a format for the file to which you want to export the contacts.

    3. If you do not want a header to be included in the file, clear the Header in file checkbox.
    4. If you want to add more columns in the file:
      1. Click Add Mapping.
        The Add Mapping window appears.
      2. Specify values in the following fields, and then click OK:
        • Columns: Column that you want to be exported in the file.
        • Position: Position of the column in the file.
    5. If you do not want to export a column, in the Contact Columns window, hover over the row displaying the name of the column, and then click the close icon delete icon.
    6. In the Contact Columns window, click OK.
      The Export Contacts window displaying the Data Format section appears. This section displays the columns that will appear in the exported file.
  5. Click Export.
    All the contacts are exported to a file on your computer.

You can import contacts from a file on your computer to Contact Manager on the LiveVox Portal (LVP). To do so:

  1. On the Contacts tab, click Import.
    The Import Contacts window appears.

  2. In the File field, add the file that you want to import by using Choose File.
  3. In the File Format field, specify the format in which you want the contacts to be imported to LVP.

  4. If you want to customize the file format:

    1. Click Customize Format.
      The Contact Columns window appears. The table in the window displays the mapping of the columns. 

      You can modify a mapping by double-clicking the row displaying the mapping.

    2. In the File Format field, specify the format of the file from which you want to import the contacts.

    3. Clear or select the following checkboxes as required:
      • Header in file: Indicates if a header is included in the file.
      • Allow Empty: Indicates if null values are allowed in the fields.
      • Truncate: Indicates if the field values are shortened if their length exceeds the size limit of the fields.
    4. If you want to add a mapping (that is, create a link between the source data (file) and the target data (LVP)):
      1. Click Add Mapping.
        The Add Mapping window appears.
      2. Specify values in the following fields as required, and then click OK:
        • Columns: Column (field) that you want to import from the file.
        • Position: Position of the column in the file.
        • Transformations: Data type of the column.
        • Description: Purpose of the column.
        • Default Value: Default value for the field selected in the Columns field. 

          This field appears if a value is required in the business workflow for the field selected in the Columns field.

    5. If you want a specific value in a column in the file to be replaced with a different value in LVP:

      1. In the row displaying the name of the column, click the pencil icon pencil icon.

        You cannot replace the value in the Account column.

        The Substitute Value window appears.

      2. Click Add.
        Another Substitute Value window appears.
      3. Specify values in the following fields:

        • Value: Value that, if present in the column in the file, is replaced with the substitute value.

        • Substitute Value: New value (substitute) for the column.


          Suppose that for the Agent Team column, the value that you specify in the Value field is Team X and that in the Substitute Value field is Team Y. If the file contains the Team X value in the Agent Team column, when the file is imported to LVP, the value is changed to Team Y.

      4. Click OK.

        You can add a maximum of 50 substitute values.

      5. If you want to modify the position of a value, select the row displaying the value, and then, as required, click Move Up or Move Down.

        To delete a substitute value, hover over the row displaying the value, and then click the close icon delete icon.

      6. Click OK.
    6. If you do not want to import a column, in the Contact Columns window, hover over the row displaying the name of the column, and then click the close icon delete icon.
    7. If you want to save your changes to the format as an input filter, click Save As Input.

    8. Click OK.
      The Import Contacts window displaying the Data Format section appears. This section displays the columns that will be imported.
  5. Click Import.
    All the contacts in the file are imported to LVP, and they appear on the Contacts tab.

A contact group is a group of contacts that you can use for segmentation and within a contact flow. 

To create a contact group:

  1. On the Groups tab, click Add.
    The Contact Group window appears.
  2. Specify values in the following fields, and then click OK.

    Group NameName for the group.
    Caller IDCaller ID for the contact group.
    Callback NumberCallback number for the contact group.
    EmailEmail address for the contact group.
    CodeSMS code for the contact group.

    The contact group appears on the Groups tab.

  3. Click Save.
    The contact group is created. 

    • This contact group appears as an option in the following fields:
      • Group, when creating or modifying a contact on the Contacts tab of the Contacts window.
      • Contact Group, when creating or modifying a Do Not Call (DNC) phone number on the Phone Number tab of the DNC window.
      • DNC Contact Group, when modifying the service settings on the Settings tab of the Services window.
    • After a contact group is created, the following tabs appear in the Contact Group window:
      • Associated Contacts: Displays the contacts associated with the contact group.
      • Associated DNC: Displays the DNC phone numbers associated with the contact group.
      • Associated Services: Displays the services associated with the contact group.
    • When creating a campaign through Contact Manager, you can define the contact group to be the source for caller ID or callback number. This enables you to group agents in a single service or call center without the need to split the campaign.

On the Groups tab:

  • You can modify a contact group by double-clicking the row displaying the group.
  • You can delete a contact group that is not associated with any entities (contacts, DNC, and services) by hovering over the row displaying the group and then clicking the close icon delete icon.
  • After you create, modify, or delete a contact group, click Save.

You can automatically create recurring campaigns that include contacts based on a filter for any day or time of the week through a scheduled campaign job.

To create a scheduled campaign job:

  1. On the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab, click Add.
    The Jobs window appears.
  2. On the General tab, specify values in the following fields:

    • Filter: Filter based on which you want to include contacts in the campaign job.

    • Enabled: Indicates if the scheduled campaign job is active.

    • Notification Email List: Email addresses to which you want to send a success or failure notification whenever the campaign job is triggered. 

      Separate multiple email addresses with a comma (,).

  3. If you want to specify the campaign parameters, use Set Campaign Parameters.

  4. On the Schedules tab, click Add

    The Schedule window appears.
  5. Specify values in the following fields:

    • Days: Days for which you want to schedule the campaign job.
    • Start Time: Start time for the campaign job (in hours and minutes).
    • Time Zone: Time zone for the campaign job.
  6. Click Ok.
    The schedule is created, and it appears on the Schedules tab. 

    To delete the schedule, hover over the row displaying the schedule, and then click the close icon delete icon.

  7. Click OK.

    The scheduled campaign job appears on the Schedule Campaign Jobs tab.
  8. Click Save.
    The scheduled campaign job is created. When the campaign job is triggered, a campaign is created based on the specified filter and parameters, and it appears in the Campaigns window.

    • The Campaigns window appears when you click Campaigns > Campaigns on the Configure tab.
    • If segmentation has been assigned to a campaign, the Service column on the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab displays the service of the parent campaign.
    • You can create a maximum of 20 campaign jobs.

Managing a Scheduled Campaign Job

On the Scheduled Campaign Jobs tab:

  • You can modify a campaign job by double-clicking the row displaying the job.
  • You can view the history of a campaign job by double-clicking the row displaying the job and then clicking the Job History tab, which displays the following columns:
    • Start Time: Time when the job started.
    • End Time: Time when the job ended.
    • Duration (in secs): Time taken to complete the job, in seconds. 
    • Status: Status of the job (that is, Success or Failure).
    • Message: More information about the status of the job.
  • You can delete a campaign job by hovering over the row displaying the job and then clicking the close icon delete icon.
  • After you create, modify, or delete a campaign job, click Save.

You can automatically export contacts from Contact Manager of the LiveVox Portal (LVP) to a file or import contacts from a file to Contact Manager of LVP through an export or import job.

To create a contact export job:

  1. On the Import/Export Jobs tab, click Add.
    The Jobs window appears.
  2. In the Job Type field, select Contact Export.
  3. On the General tab, specify values in the following fields.

    File NameName for the file in which you want to export contacts from Contact Manager.
    EnabledIndicates if the export job is active.
    Export PathCustom export directory path on the Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server to store all exported files.
    Export Format

    Format in which you want the contacts to be exported to a file.

    Notification Email List

    Email addresses to which you want to send a success or failure notification for each export attempt.

    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma (,).


    Filter based on which you want to export contacts.

  4. If you want to customize the file format, use Customize Format.
    The Jobs window displaying the Data Format section on the General tab appears. This section displays the columns that will appear in the exported file.

  5. On the Schedules tab, click Add.
    The Schedule window appears.
  6. Specify values in the following fields:

    • Days: Days for which you want to schedule the export job.
    • Start Time: Time when you want the export job to start (in hours and minutes).
    • Time Zone: Time zone for the export job.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Jobs window, click OK.
    The contact export job appears on the 
    Import/Export Jobs tab.
  9. Click Save.
    The contact export job is created. When the export job is triggered, contacts based on the specified filter are exported from Contact Manager to a file.

You can create a maximum of four contact export jobs.

To create a contact import job:

  1. On the Import/Export Jobs tab, click Add.
    The Jobs window appears.
  2. In the Job Type field, select Contact Import.
  3. On the General tab, specify values in the following fields.

    File NameName of the file containing the contacts that you want to import to LVP.
    EnabledIndicates if the import job is active.
    Notification Email List

    Email addresses to which you want to send a success or failure notification for each import attempt.

    Separate multiple email addresses with a comma (,).

    File Format

    Format in which you want the contacts to be imported to LVP.

  4. If you want to customize the file format, use Customize Format.
    The Jobs window displaying the Data Format section on the General tab appears. This section displays the columns that will appear in the exported file.

  5. In the Jobs window, click OK.
    The contact import job appears on the 
    Import/Export Jobs tab.
  6. Click Save.
    The contact import job is created. 

You can create a maximum of six contact import jobs.

Managing a Contact Export or Import Job

On the Import/Export Jobs tab:

  • You can modify an export or import job by double-clicking the row displaying the job.
  • You can view the history of an export or import job by double-clicking the row displaying the job and then clicking the Job History tab, which displays the following columns:
    • Start Time: Time when the job started.
    • End Time: Time when the job ended.
    • Duration (in secs): Time taken to complete the job, in seconds. 
    • Status: Status of the job (that is, Success or Failure).
    • Message: More information about the status of the job (for example, Total records exported: 1 or Job Failed).
  • You can delete an export or import job by hovering over the row displaying the job and then clicking the close icon delete icon.
  • After you create, modify, or delete an export or import job, click Save.
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