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This is where you prioritize the dialing of accounts within campaigns. The tool identifies accounts that fall into prime time windows by Time Zone and applies higher dialing priorities to those accounts while they are within their “prime time”. Contact Timing is applied at the service level and applies to all campaigns within the service. Expand below to learn more:

Contact Timing settings Explained (by tab):

Select a Contact Timing from the Contact Timing drop-down list. The following characteristics appear:

  • ID: The system name assigned to the Contact Timing.
  • Restrict: If checked, only phone numbers that meet the prime time calling hours are dialed. If unchecked, after a timezone's numbers are dialed the next timezone's numbers can be attempted.
  • Name: Editable name assigned when creating a Contact Timing.

The Contact Timing strategy allows you to maximize your dialing efforts by calling each account during self-defined “Prime Time” windows. You can define, for each service, which hours of the day are considered “Prime Time” hours. You have the ability to define weekday and weekend prime time hours for both the morning and the evening.  

When using the Restricted Dialing strategy on a service, only phone numbers that meet the prime time calling hours are dialed. Using this strategy ensures that each attempt is made during the defined prime time hours.  When there are no phone numbers left in a file that fall within the defined prime time hours, no calls will go out until another defined prime time window begins. Non-prime time accounts are restricted from dialing.

Also called Prioritized Dialing. When using the Prioritized Dialing strategy on a service, all phone numbers that meet the prime time calling hours are dialed first. When there are no phone numbers left to call within the prime time calling hour zones, the file begins dialing using the Curfew Only strategy (Follow the Sun). Prime time phone numbers are given top priority.

  • Weekday/Saturday/Sunday: Day of the week period for the Prime Time window logic.
  • Morning/Evening: Prime Time windows for that Weekday/Saturday/Sunday.
  • Prime Time Drop-down: Predefined windows defining the Prime Times, when certain accounts will preferentially (or only) be dialed.

Each group of priorities/rules is a Contact Timing. See section Contact Timing Strategy in the Administrative User Guide, for details on each section. To add a Contact Timing:

  1. Select Add.
  2. Enter a name. 
  3. Select to Restrict or leave Non-Restricted.
  4. Select any Prime Time windows you want to apply.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Select an existing Timing and select Copy.
  2. Modify the name and other fields you wish to adjust.
  3. Click Save.
  1. Select the Contact Timing to adjust from the Contact Timing drop-down list.
  2. Make your adjustments
  3. Click Save.
  1. Select the Contact Timing to delete from the Contact Timing drop-down list.

  2. Click Delete
  3. Confirm you want to delete by clicking OK on the pop-up.

Click Save to save the changes.

Click Cancel to discard the changes.

The change history tab displays the changes made to the selected contact timing strategy.

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