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The Call Statistics Report displays two graphs with the number of CIP (Calls in progress) and cumulative connected calls throughout the day for a single service.  This can be valuable to track dialing volume throughout the day, understand spikes in Inbound calls, and periods of high connected calls. 

This report may only be generated for one day max. Data can be generated from up to 90 days back. By default all times will be in EST.

Specify the following options to generate the report.  Date and Service fields are required to generate the report and rest of the fields are optional. These optional fields can be used to get the specific records.

  • Date – Enables you to type in dates in the format of MM/DD/YYYY or choose dates using the calendar button. Clicking on the calendar button opens the Date Picker interface.
    • Under the Date tab, you can select the required date.
  • Hour Of Day Range  Enables you to select a specific hour of the day range hh:mm:ss.
  • Call Center – Allows to select a call center using the drop-down list.
  • Service – A particular service can be selected using the service drop-down list. If a particular call center is selected prior to selecting a service, services only available for that particular call center will appear.
  • Sample Interval  Allow to select a sample interval of 10 Seconds, 1 Minute or 10 Minutes for the report.

After choosing the search parameters, generate the report by clicking the Generate Report button to the right of the search options. This will generate two graphs with the number of CIP (Calls in progress) and connected calls at different times of the day for a single service.

Additional Buttons 
  • To export the generated report, click the Export button (next to the Generate Report button) and select the required option of file type. The available options are PDF, Excel, CSV.
  • To print the generated report, click the Print button (next to the Export button). The generated report opens in another tab. Select the details for printing the report and click the Print button.
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