Default Filter

By default, the Account List, Contact List, Ticket List, and Ticketing sections display the last ten records that you viewed recently (as indicated by the Recently Viewed label in the search box). In addition to the Recently Viewed option, the search box contains customized filters (views), which you can select to track, prioritize, or manage records.

To view all records, in the section, click the Advanced Search icon  next to the search box, and then, in the Advanced Search window, click Apply.

Performing an Advanced Search

In the Account List, Contact List, Ticket List, and Ticketing sections, to view a specific list of records or to easily find a specific record:

  1. In the section, click the Advanced Search icon  next to the search box.
    The Advanced Search window appears.

  2.  Expand the required sections, and then specify the filter criteria.

  3. Click Apply.
    The records that meet your filter criteria appear in the section.

To remove the applied filter, in the section, click the close iconnext to the filter.