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Navigate to the Phone Numbers editor by selecting Configure > Dialing Config > Phone Numbers from the Navigation Panel.

The Phones editor main screen offers the following tabs and buttons:

  • Tabs
    • General - Displays a list of LiveVox owned phone numbers within the LiveVox portal. See Modifying Phone Number Records section for detailed information on how to view, edit inbound phone numbers and their mappings.
    • Change History - Tracks and displays the changes made to the Phone Numbers editor.
  • Buttons
    • Associate Service Allows you to assign a phone number to a Service. See Associate/Disassociate Services section for detailed information.
    • Disassociate ServiceAllows you to unassign a number from a Service. See Associate/Disassociate Services section for detailed information.
    • Save - Saves updates on the selected phone number.
    • Cancel - Discards the changes.
  • No labels