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Accessing the Bot Management Window

You can view and manage bots in the Bot Management window.

To access the Bot Management window, in the left pane, click Bot Management. The Bot Management window displays the Published Bots and Bots Still in Draft sections, which contain published and draft bots, respectively.

For information about the statistics that appear for each bot in the Published Bots section, see Bot Analytics (the Bot Statistics section).


You can perform the following actions in the Bot Management window.

Build a bot.

Click New Bot.

For more information, see Building a Bot.

View bots that are on hold and bots that are inactive.

Select the On Hold and Inactive checkboxes.

Search for a bot by its name.

Enter the partial or full name in the Search by bot name box, and then press Enter.

  • Sort the published bots in descending order of the dates when they were published or descending order of the dates when they received a response.
  • Sort all bots in alphabetical and reverse alphabetical orders.
Use the menu next to the Search by bot name box.
Preview a bot.

Click the more icon  > Preview.

Save a copy of a published bot.

Click the more icon  > Clone this bot here.

Create an alert for a bot.

Click the more icon  > Alerts.

For more information, see Setting Up Alerts for a Bot.

View the bot conversations of a published bot.

Click the more icon  > Conversations.

For more information, see Conversations.

View the analytics of a published bot.

Click View Analytics.

For more information, see Summary of Replies Report.

View the segments of the customers associated with a published bot.

Click Show details.

For more information, see Segments.

Deactivate a bot.

Click the more icon  > Deactivate.

Reactivate a bot.

Click the more icon  > Reactivate.

Delete a bot.

Click the more icon  > Delete.

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