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The Work Queue Config feature enables you to modify the existing task types listed in the report.

Modifying a Task Type

You can modify a task type in the Work Queue Config window. 

To modify a task type:

  1. On the WFO tab, click Work Queue > Work Queue Config.
    The Work Queue Config window appears.
  2. Double-click the task type you want to edit.
    The Task Settings dialog box appears.
  3. Modify the values in the following fields as required:
    • Subject: Indicates the subject of the task.
    • Priority: Indicates the priority of the task. Default options are High, Medium, and Low.
    • Duration Days: Indicates the duration (in days) for the selected task type.
  4. Click Save.


    The Auto Approve and Reject options are currently available only for the Scheduling task type.

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