Ticket Dashboard
The ticket dashboard provides all statistics pertaining to tickets. To view the ticket dashboard, on the Monitor tab, click the Ticketing subtab.
The Tickets Reports Dashboard window appears, displaying the following statistics:
- Total Tickets: Count of tickets
- Currently Open: Count of open tickets
- Completed Tickets: Count of completed tickets
- Total Replies: Count of replies
- Customers Helped: Count of customers helped
- Contacts Helped: Count of contacts helped
Completed Within SLA Limit: Count of tickets addressed within the service level agreement (SLA) limit
The SLA limit is always defined by the priority that is selected for the dashboard.
Exceeding SLA Limit: Count of tickets that were not completed within the SLA limit
This count also considers canceled tickets.
- Approaching SLA (Within 20%): Count of tickets that are neither canceled nor closed and are within 20% of the SLA limit
- Avg. First Response: Average duration of first response
- Avg. Tickets: Average count of tickets
- Avg. Replies: Average count of replies
- Volume: Volume chart of tickets (total and completed)
- Peak Hours: Peak-hour chart of tickets
- Peak Days: Peak-day chart of tickets
- Agents: Top agents chart
- Agent Teams: Top agent teams chart
- Ticket List: List of tickets
You can filter the dashboard by segment, priority, label, type, and date range.
Creating a Ticket Dashboard Filter
You can easily monitor the actions performed on tickets, without the need for a manual search, by creating customized views of the ticket dashboard (ticket dashboard filters) for yourself, your agents, and your agent teams. To create and design a ticket dashboard filter:
To create a ticket dashboard filter:
- On the Monitor tab, click the Ticketing subtab.
The Tickets Reports Dashboard window appears. - Next to the search box, click .
The New Search View window appears. - In the Specify Filter Criteria section, specify the filter criteria as required.
If you want only certain users to be able to modify the filter, In the Restrict Editors section, select the Users option, and then, in the AvailableUsers section, select the names of the users to whom you want to provide the ability to modify the filter, and then click .
The selected names appear in the Selected Users section.- You can filter the names in the Available Users or Selected Users section by using the Filter by name box.
- The Selected Users section displays all the users who can modify the filter. If you do not want a user to be able to modify the filter, select their name in the Selected Users section, and then click .
- To revert all your changes, click .
If you want only certain users, agent teams, or agents to be able to view the filter, in the Restrict Visibility section, select Users, Agent Teams, or Agents, as required, and then, in the Available section, select the names of the users, agent teams, or agents to whom you want to provide the ability to view the filter, and then click .
The selected names appear in the Selected section.- You can filter the names in the Available Users or Selected Users section by using the Filter by name box.
- The Selected Users section displays all the users, agent teams, or agents who can view the filter. If you do not want a user, agent team, or agent to be able to view the filter, select their name in the Selected section, and then click .
- To revert all your changes, click .
- Click Save.
The ticket dashboard filter is created.
- To modify a ticket dashboard filter:
- In the Tickets Reports Dashboard window, in the search box, select the filter that you want to modify, and then click
The Edit Search View window appears. . - Modify the values in the fields as required, and then click Save.
Your changes are saved.
- In the Tickets Reports Dashboard window, in the search box, select the filter that you want to modify, and then click
- To delete a ticket dashboard filter:
- In the Tickets Reports Dashboard window, in the search box, select the filter that you want to modify, and then click
.The Edit Search View window that appears. - Click Delete.
The Confirm window appears. - Click Yes.
The filter is deleted.
- In the Tickets Reports Dashboard window, in the search box, select the filter that you want to modify, and then click